Do you remember when Deb and I made a flying trip to Illinois a few weekends ago to pick up a 12′ antique store counter. (You can see the before pictures in that post.) We want to use it as our kitchen island. Well… I wanted to strip it down to the original pine wood because it was a bit too dark for me. And, it almost had a red tint to it, so it was a must.
The house project is going SO DANG FAST. I started getting worried that it was going to be time for the countertop boys to install the countertop on the antique store counter and it wouldn’t be done. So between lots and lots of other things going on, I thought I better start this task.
I have used the oven cleaner method on several pieces and thought it would be perfect for this as well. Well… I thought wrong. As soon as I took off the first coat of finish, it got really gummy…. and tacky. I couldn’t scrape it off with a scraper or scrub it with a brush. It resembled trying to mix oil and water. So I figured that maybe I better switch gears and use a stronger furniture stripper products that I had on hand. You are supposed to remove it with mineral spirits.
NOTE: I am going to try this new green furniture stripper but I had this and wanted to use it. I will keep you posted on the other when it arrives.
Sure enough, that worked way better. Remember the counter is 12′ long. So I did about 2 foot sections at a time. By the time I got to my last section, I was in the groove and had it figured out. If I left the stripper on too long, it wouldn’t come off easily. So I applied the stripper and immediately used a paint scraper and took it off. I applied more… and let the second layer set for a bit. And then I used steel wool with mineral spirits and really wiped it clean.
I followed it all up with a good sanding. It isn’t at all perfect, but I am sure happy with how it turned out. Since this will be in the kitchen, I will probably add a few coats of sealer. I don’t think I am going to stain it, as I like the look of the raw wood. I also don’t want it any darker. PLUS.. I want it to blend well with the cabinets that are going to be hung on the wall behind this. This will be getting a quartz countertop and the inside will be painted white.
When we were picking up the antique store counter, the guy said that he had a lot of other antiques in his storage facility. And, he asked us if we were interested in seeing what else he had. As soon as I saw this card catalog, I knew what I wanted to do with it.
Deb is going to rebuild the inside of the counter so that we can have a few more shelves. It is where we store all of our dishes, serving bowls, etc. That card catalog fits perfectly on one of the shelves. I want her to build it into the counter for me.
Again.. all of the inside shelving will be painted white and guess what I will be doing in the next couple of days. If you guessed stripping the finish off of this card catalog, you win.
What do you think of our 12′ antique store counter.
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Aww thank you!! Its what we are here for
Just WOW!
I know!! I am amazed.
Beautiful! I want one.
Isn’t she perfect?!
It turned out great! What a tedious job! Can’t wait to see it all finished & in your beautiful home!
Thank you so much! It was a process for sure. But so worth it! I am so excited to get it in there as well.
Its gorgeous !!!!!!
I am in LOVE
Absolutely beautiful! Y’all are amazing!
Thank you!! SO kind.
Wow. That turned out great! Love it!!
I think so too! Thanks so much.
I love that you two share each day and show us all the funny stuff too! Amazing work team and you two are so good for each other.
Hahahaha its always something crazy! But thank you so much.
I love this, beautiful!
Thank you!!!
That counter is turning into a real gem, well done you!
Isn’t she beautiful? I am so glad we got her.
All your
work is paying off. The counter looks great! And so does the trellis. Can’t wait to see the finished chicken coop.
Thank you so much. I am so excited about these projects. I think the chicken coop is going to be one of the coolest projects ever.
I am in awe of you! I swept out my garage today and now I’m in bed with a muscle spasm in my lower back

Oh no!! Isn’t it a joy getting older?
It’s absolutely beautiful!! Can’t wait to see it in your home.
Thank you! So excited!!
Love how it looks now! There is nothing I hate more than stripping furniture! I’ve done so much of it over the years, that I really don’t want to do it anymore, but I also want to repurpose my Lane cedar chest into one with a bench on top. I’m just afraid I’ll hate it and not finish it. And I’ve had a secretary waiting for refinishing for 5 years, but I don’t like it, so why put in the effort? (My son in law found it for me, but it looks cheap, like it’s not real wood.) Anyway, I blab on, but I love the house and how you are adding old to the new!!!
Hahaha I know the feeling! It can be very time consuming. But thank you, about the house comment!
Fabulous! I love the card catalog too.
Me too, I knew it was mine once I saw it!
That cabinet turned out so beautiful. I don’t know why I even doubted you! I know better. You guys rock! I’ve never known a stronger couple you guys rock. I don’t believe there’s nothing you can’t do
Hahaha thank you so much! You are so sweet.
Absolutely fabulous! Love it!
Thank you!!
OMG the counter is amazing!!! Can’t wait to see it in the new kitchen! And the card catalog will be so fun too!
Thank you! I am so glad we got her. She is going to be perfect when she is all finished!
Wow- the cabinet’s grain is striking. It’s really pretty.
I know, I LOVE the detail!
I love how you can see a piece and go with it. I’d be second guessing and needing measurements. Plus, Deb can do anything! I’d have to be both , Deb and Danelle in my house with my, “I told you it wouldn’t work” husband making me second guess myself… but if it did work out… BEST idea he ever had

Oh we definitely measured several times to make sure it would work! And that is hilarious… its always a great idea when it works out
That looks amazing! Love your work ethic! You two never stop. I’m so curious how much that incredible counter cost you (minus your labor). I always love when you share your deals. However much you paid, I’m sure it was worth it. Amazing.
Thank you! It feels like we never stop
we paid $2,700 for it. We call it a steal because that size one to build would have been so much more.
I absolutely love it and I’m so proud of you for sticking to the job and getting it finished. I can’t wait to see everything in the house and the card catalog thingy done as well.
Thank you. I am excited too!
Omg she’s a piece!!! Great job finding her
Thank you FB Marketplace!
Oh my

. Both are gorgeous 
Thank you so much!!
You girls have guts! (Of course I don’t mean in a bad way!) I love everything you do….I couldn’t do everything you do! You amaze me….I’m in awwwwe!

Hahahah! Thank you so much!!
It seems there’s nothing you two can’t re-do!
We try our very best!
I love it!!! Can’t wait to see the white you paint inside! I’m trying to redo a really old cupboard right now with oven cleaner, I’m going through way too many cans. I’ve never tried mineral spirits, I’m kind of chicken to try!
Any suggestions on how to get that nasty old smell out of antique wood?
You’ll never know unless you try! I say go for it! As for the smell, try filling plastic containers with white vinegar; seal, and punch holes in lids. Put one inside each drawer or cabinet overnight to absorb odors. Or use a sponge dampened with vinegar, Murphy’s Oil Wood Soap, hydrogen peroxide, or any other anti-fungal detergents and wipe it down.
Hope this helps!
So what will you store in those card catalog drawers? Will they be painted white also? I love both pieces. Such character!
I am not sure yet! We are still toying around with the idea. I don’t know if it will stay there or if we will paint it yet! So stay tuned
That counter is like the holy grail of that you are incorporating vintage pieces into new construction. Just curious what did the counter cost? If you don’t mind saying..
For real… my heart stopped. It was everything I was looking for. And no! We paid $2,700 for it. Which was much cheaper than building our own for this size.
I am in constant awe of the things you 2 accomplish! Where did you go in Illinois? I may need to plan a trip there.
We found it on FB Marketplace actually!
Incredible piece! I knew it would look awesome once stripped! I’m interested to see what the other product is that you ordered. Mineral spirits works great too! I’m using on our dining table and I’m almost out and our local Home Depot has been out of stock for a couple months! So weird!
The new counter top on this beauty will be the crown jewel! It will be glorious!
I love the 12 ft counter. Would love to have something like that. I need to get out more.
I’m always impressed with your projects, you ladies are something else! I’m so glad you linked the newsletter in you IG stories because I didn’t know you had one. Keep up the good work
This piece turned out so great!!! Can you tell me what type of stripper you used? I’m having a hard time with an old old door that we want to use for a pantry. It had paint over top of varnish or shellac that I will not budge with sanding. Any suggestions would be very appreciated! Love you guys!
What furniture stripper did you use? I don’t know if there was an ad for it that expired. Now there isn’t a an ad for a Dodge truck. The counter is gorgeous!
[…] our kitchen island is a 12′ store counter that we found on the Marketplace. We gave it a makeover once we brought it home. And as soon as our kitchen was far enough along, it landed here in the house. We were […]