Thanks for following along as we turn our custom-build house into a home through decorating with our antique furniture and vintage treasures, quick DIYs to add drama to our spaces, and our simple day-to-day living. We hope you find inspiration to help you love where you live.
"Winter is the time for comfort, for good food and warmth, for the touch of a friendly hand and for a talk beside the fire. It is the time for home."
-Edith Sitwell
Did you know that I have another collection out with Antique Farmhouse. It is so good! All of the pieces in the collection go so well with my woods and whites theme. I actually shared all about it over on social media stories and shared a few different things you could do with a few […]
OK… don’t come at me for the ingredients in this high protein dessert. Also, don’t knock it until you try it. Ha! We are always looking for ways to add more protein in our diet. Whether it be through an extra protein shake or bar, or simply adding some extra meat into our meals. I […]
When we moved to this rental, our favorite kitchen island had to go into storage. It was too big for this house. We desperately needed something here as far as an island due to the lack of storage here. The only thing in this kitchen that belongs to our landlords are the white upper and […]
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