Note: I am not a doctor and I am not giving medical advice. Please do your own research!
I pretty much had a mental breakdown in July and threw it all out there. I was so discouraged in my weightloss / fitness journey that I was actually in tears when I wrote it. So, I need to update you on that one. My August health goal will make much more sense to you if you read July’s first. If you have read it, you know I have tried everything. I even got some really nasty messages telling me that I wasn’t giving this or that long enough time to even tell if it was working. Another thing that I discovered in throwing all of this out into the atmosphere is that people are VERY, VERY PASSIONATE about keto. I MEAN….. very passionate. ???? Like….”There is no way you can say keto doesn’t work….. ???? I lost 30 pounds and I never could before. Fasting is the key to it all…. So don’t knock it until you have really given it a shot.”
Calm down, people. ???? I would never, ever say that a certain plan sucks or doesn’t work for people. What I said was that NOTHING is working FOR ME. That doesn’t mean that certain things won’t work for YOU. WE ARE ALL DIFFERENT. What works for you, may not work for someone else. So, that’s that….
Women are complicated beings. We are VERY, VERY COMPLICATED. If everything isn’t running correctly, it can mess a lot of other things up. I just had a huge feeling something was “off” because my body was just not responding properly to any amount of exercise or any particular diet like it should. Early last month, an ad popped up on Facebook for the Metabolic Research Center. They are a national weight loss program and there happens to be one in Fort Wayne which is about 35 minutes from where we live. It was truly like the ad was talking directly to me. I just finished having a nervous breakdown, feeling sorry for my self, and crying in my own soup about my little to no results at the gym. I read the ad aloud. Deb said, “CALL THEM….. there has to be something going on with you hormonally. You’ve tried everything else.”
The ad said something about belly fat, not being able to lose weight no matter what you do, balancing hormones, genetic testing, etc. I scheduled an appointment the very next day. I had absolutely no clue what to expect, and was even a little hesitant when I went the first time because I walked in with an attitude of desperation. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE tell me there is something “off” and if you don’t, I’m going to pop my cork.” I may have even said that.
My girl…. the poor girl who randomly got “ME” as her client is so nice. ???? I probably looked as desperate as I sounded. I was so upset. Deb, my bodyguard, went with me to the initial consultation. She had her armor on and was ready to cut anyone who said I wasn’t trying hard enough at the gym or closet eating. I sat and spilled my guts to my girl. Basically I told her every single thing that I have tried and everything that didn’t work. I told her everything about my diet and how much we work out. And, that EVERYONE in our classes is seeing HUGE results, except me. Basically this was me with my words. ???????????????????????????????? My poor girl. ????
My girl mentioned checking my cortisol levels and doing hormone testing. She HIGHLY recommended that to me because she said I am the classic case of those levels being “off.” I told her that I JUST HAD my labs drawn at the doctors office for my thyroid and hormones and he said they were normal. She explained that doctors look at the levels of hormones through testing your blood. The Metabolic Research Center looks at those same levels in terms of weight loss, through SALIVA testing, which also checks your cortisol levels at the same time. There is a BIG difference.
I ended up taking my hormone / cortisol saliva test a few weeks back and sent it in. They told me it would be two weeks before my results would come in. I kid you not. I told Deb more than once, “I’m telling you what… if those DAMN levels come back normal, I’m going to flip my lid.” She kept saying, “Something is wrong… trust me……. you work so hard…..”
Well. I got my results back. My girl acted pretty excited to tell me that several of my levels are very OFF. ???? AND, I was equally excited to hear that, too.
I suspected my cortisol levels to be HIGH. But, they were the opposite. They are very low which means exhaustion all the time… which is why I thought my thyroid wasn’t working normally. And my hormones are all off balance, too. My progesterone is VERY, VERY LOW…. And my testosterone is high…. So that means my ratio of all of my hormones together are all EFFED UP. ???? I have pretty much every single symptom of low progesterone which includes weight around the mid section, a slow metabolism, brain fog, anxiety, and many more. SOOOO….. this explains so much to me! I cannot tell you how much better I feel just knowing that there really IS SOMETHING OFF and it can be fixed.
Metabolic Research Center people are the weight loss specialists. Signing up for their program means weekly weigh-ins and eating a specific amount of food each day at different times throughout the day. Your own food. We still cook all of our own food, etc. You are required to weigh and measure your food during the weight loss phase and not go so many hours without eating. They give you specific times to eat according to you, your lifestyle, and your issues. It’s a trial and error thing all designed to YOU. I have tried two different types of their eating plans and I definitely feel and respond better to the one. BUT, that’s me.
You take their natural vitamins according to YOUR SPECIFIC needs. I am on something for my cortisol levels and a few other things. You, also, are required to drink THEIR protein drinks during the day, which are all delicious by the way. And, eat their snack bars if you want something “snackity” like that.
Their main goal is to “help you lose weight” by making sure everything is balanced… hormones, food amounts, food timing, etc.
There is a doctor who actually reads your test results, etc.
Again….. what works for some, may not work for others. This seems to be working for me as I’ve lost over 7 pounds since starting. I’m not telling you to run out and sign up for this program and that it will definitely work for you. Because again, we are all different. Do your own research.
So here is my August health goal. I will keep working out at the gym and sticking with all of my previous month’s goals because clearly I was on the right path. This month will obviously be focused on the food combos and the amounts I should eat at the times I am supposed to eat it according to my plan. I am on several supplements, one of which is helping me with my cortisol level, and a few others they recommended for other things. I am starting a natural hormone cream to get my hormones leveled out.
All in all… it’s a month to learn everything that I can about getting everything BALANCED.
I am still learning so much about all of this myself. Before I called MRC, I tried to get into a functional medicine group with an 8 month waiting list. I am on that list and plan on paying them a visit for a complete work-up depending where I am during this whole process. I would suggest if you are having the same issues, read as much information as you can about cortisol levels, low progesterone, and estrogen dominance. Once I read all about those things, everything started making a ton of sense to me.
This is NOT a sponsored post. I wrote this for those of you who told me you wanted an update because you are just as discouraged as I was. However, if you decide to sign up for MRC, make sure you mention me, Danelle Harvey. I will get a small credit to my account to use towards my protein drinks and snackity snacks. So I really would appreciate that!
Please let me know if you have any questions for me specifically. I can answer them in the comments or revise my post. If it has anything to do with the Metabolic Research Center and their practice, I would suggest giving them a call. And remember… I am not a doctor and not at all giving medical advice. I am simply sharing what is and is not working for me. Please do your own research.
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I am SO happy you finally got some answers!! I, too, am on a LONG waitlist to see a functional medicine doctor. Good luck on your journey. I will definitely be looking into Metabolic Research Centers.
I am still on the list because I want to make sure everything else is running correctly… But seriously. This opened my eyes to many answers I’ve been asking for a long time.
Wow I am soooo pleased you are finding answers !!! What a relief to know you were not going crazy ! ????????. And thank you for sharing !
Thanks… I KNEW something was wrong.
Hi I am so happy that you have found what was “off”. Are you currently taking progesterone or any other hormone replacement therapy? The reason I ask is I am post menopausal and I am currently taking progesterone estrogen and testosterone. It’s made a huge difference in how I feel.
I am not. Supposedly, I haven’t even begun menopause… even though I have hot flashes and my hormones are all over the place. I even stopped having a period for 6 months and it came back.
I am thrilled for you!!! I have one suggestion that many have learned the hard way. Keep the cream away from IVY. Hands, arms and clothing that touch the cream can’t touch Ivy! If she shows any signs of bleeding or bladder infection etc, tell the vet about the cream.
Sweet blessings to you.
Oh thank you so much for telling me this. I will for sure make sure to watch that.
I’m sooo happy for you my sweet friend!! You are right I just asked for my levels to be checked he came back and said;, “Your estrogen is below 10”. I’m like… mmmk and my test my progesterone my cortisol??? He didn’t even test any???? Then proceeded with; “ Due to your mom dying at 47 & your grandma at 50 from Breast Cancer, I cant give you anything “. I’m bawling too???????????? I am sooo happy you are finally getting help with all the shit we endure!! I’m still on my path, but ima find someone somewhere somehow- Stay well.. You know this is the time of year when we get allergies, snotty, sore throat & as my hubby says, LAUGH LIKE PRECIOUS THE DOG ????????????????
Sending hugs to you two crazies!!
Ann M
hahahahahaa Yep… I’ve actually got the creeping crud as we speak. I’ve been coughing and snotting around the last three days. And I really hope you find out the issues. It is so frustrating. I totally understand.
I’m so sorry to hear about your Mom and Grandmother. I can’t take anything either but it’s not for family history it’s from an episode I had when I was 50 and still taking the pill for hormone reasons. It’s tough to be turned down for treatment especially when then treatment could harm you so you have no options. I hope we both find something to help. ????
I am SO happy for you Danelle!! I remember the feeling of relief when I was finally given answers instead of ‘there is NOTHING wrong with you”!! My results have been through a functional Dr & she has done many of the things you describe. However, the MRC seems to have gone even a bit further & how wonderful!! Please keep the health updates coming!
Thank you so much. Honestly…. I feel a big sense of relief knowing. I have sworn for 6 months and hearing “normal” just got me so frustrated.
That’s awesome. Some of the things you mentioned, that are out of whack, are mentioned by Dr. Lara Briden. I began following her Instagram account, @larabriden, for my daughter, who is 22, and started having some issues. But her info, and naturopathic approach, gave me a lot of interesting info, that as a woman (of any age) would have been, or will be, good to know. I’m 52, and she has some perimenopause/menopause info that I hope will help me, as well.
Thank you. I feel so much better knowing that I really have been doing the right things… my body isn’t possible to respond like this.
Thank you for your honest discussion around this topic. I’m 58 and until around the age of 52, I was 40 lbs lighter. I’ve been trim for the most part, until menapause. I too knew something was wrong. I was chkd and I have hypothyroid. I was sure once I started my thyroid meds, weight would fall off. Not so. It’s been a battle. I’ve been embarrassed, so embarrassed, that I am one of those older women who gain weight and never loses cz of aging. I really am pretty vain. There’s nothing that gets me in a worse mood than my clothes too tight. Well, finally in the last 4 months, I’ve started losing. I’m finally seeing some gain. I mean loss. ????. I’ve lost 15 lbs in 4 months and it really is all relative cz I’m thrilled—30 years ago, I would have lost 15 lbs in a couple of weeks. My husband and I make a gallon drink of lemon, garlic and water and drink it every morning. It’s helps in my weight loss. I just know it. I’ve said often, I’ll blame 15 lbs on my own eating mistakes but the rest, not my fault! ????. I’m going to chk our the place that is helping you. All the best, Danelle and Deb. Ly
Bless your heart. Thanks so much. It’s all such a struggle. I’m so glad you are seeing results with what you are doing.
Oh that’s all great news!!! But most importantly, can ya drink????? Such a relief when we get answers and I hope you continue to have success dialing it all in!
ahahahaha Yes… I can and am. LOL
I, too, have seen their ads on Instagram and wondered if it was for real!! So glad you posted this as I will give them a call ASAP!!
I’m glad you found out that there IS something wrong and you’ve had success with the new plan!!
Please keep me posted. Honestly… I have never felt so understood. I knew something had to be wrong.
An important message—pay attention to toue body, and keep plugging away until you find someone to listen and help. Hopefully, this will get you on track! Keep us posted!
Hiya, so are you taking bio identical hormones?
I am not.
Sure hope this works for you! I sooo agree with your assessment….everyone’s body works just a little different! We are all unique!
Keto worked for me but I was not strict keto and boy did I hear about that ???? And then I have other people telling me it’s bad. Whatever, I lost and now I’m doing low carb and maintaining!
Hope you continue to see results and feel better!!!!
Thanks so much. This all goes to prove that everyone single one of us is different and we all respond differently to each diet and lifestyle. Good luck to you!
We are in the same boat! I just turned 53 and still haven’t fully entered menopause yet ~ but I’m trying…..I wanted to address Keto. I did it last year faithfully for 54 weeks. No cheats, no fat bombs and no bullet proof coffees. Ugh ~ I lost 21lbs the first 4 months and then NOT A SINGLE pound in the next 8 months! I still had 50lbs to go. Friends were blowing past me with their weight loss. After speaking with JJ Virgin I found out that Keto is extremely stressful on the body and since I was already having body stress due to starting menopause it was the reason Keto did not work for me. It did raise my T3 through the roof (no previous issues). I’m waiting to see how this works for you. Obviously you are in stress mode also. Menopause is a huge transition.
Yes, it sure is. Good luck to you. I swear we are all different and what works for some, doesn’t work for others. Why can’t it all be easy? LOL
Sounds like you’re on track to getting results.. I have been following you for some time now and every day you make me laugh. I am 68 years and fight the weight gain all the time. For years I was a light weight, cigs and coffee was my menu. Been smoke free for 25 years now and went through menopause without killing anyone and made it to retirement. So now I weigh 162 and slowly, slowly back on track of walking, have one cup of coffee and usually one meal a day. Maybe I’ll reach my goal of 145 when I’m 80???? Loving my life and myself more each day. Good luck. I think you look fantastic and not a day over 40 ????
hahahah Awww.. thank you. Good luck to you.
Kaup pharmacy has a pharmacist named Sue, or did unless she retired, that should have been a Dr. She told me these things years ago. I had saliva tests and had bio identical hormones. It works
I’m so happy for you, Danelle! I’ve noticed your skin is GLOWING and you look like you feel better so I was waiting here (dying to know!!), because I’m 47 and feel so frustrated as well! Working out like a dog, eating like no sugar no drinking (I know!!) and I lost 3 pounds. In 6 months. ???? Endocrinologist says I’m “normal” but I’ve gained 35 pounds here since I turned 40. Supposedly I have PCOS since turning 40, so they’re happy to put me on metphormine and spiranolactone, but that doesn’t seem to have made any difference and I honestly hate that I’m now an old lady on pills. Anyhoo, I called and made an appointment to go in where I live in Boise next week!! Thank you so much for sharing with all of us strangers and best wishes on your journey! Cheers!???????? ????????
Thank you so much. And please keep me posted. It is just so frustrating when you know you are working hard and eating healthy to see no results. Keep me posted.
So glad you got some answers, I have an appointment with my medical functional doctor this month, I’m going to ask about testing my saliva for cortisol levels!!! Thank you!!!
I’m so glad, too. This has been a long ride. Six months of little to no results has been so frustrating.
So, did you stop taking black cohash? I had a hysterectomy and kept my ovaries, and then had a growth on my ovaries and had to have those removed. I am miserable with surgically induced menopause symptoms. I am using a patch because I couldn’t function. I am trying to wean myself off the patch now. But, my weight gain is very disturbing. All in my belly area. I feel like you, nothing is working! Are you only doing the MRC and your gym workout.?
Yes… I am still working out and going to the MRC. With all of the supplements, I have almost weaned off of primrose oil and black cohosh. I haven’t been having them as bad.
I’m so happy for you! I hope you get all the results you’re hoping for! Is your energy any better? ????
Thank you. And, YES… I feel so different. My mind even feels clearer.
So happy for you! ????You knew something was off and it was!! So great to be in tune with our bodies. I did the saliva test twice with my functional Practitioner…it’s such a good one! My endocrinologist never even suggested this test. I have found it really helpful to have a team of resources you trust working with you. I still need my endo but really find it beneficial to have a functional, integrative health practitioner as well, each one does testing but they look at our health differently.
Yes, I did…. it’s amazing how once you find the right person, things start working.
I follow on instagram. Bigtears in my eyes as i read this.This is ME, RIGHT NOW!!!! The last 2 years, labs normal etc.etc. identical…EVERYTHING! Something is WAY OFF Oh my heavens, beyond grateful i found this and so extremely appreciative you SHARED your experience and struggles.THANK YOU DANELLE!!!! searching for a MRC now. ????
Awwwwww…… it is such a struggle. please keep me posted on what you find out.
YAY! So happy that you found out what was going on with you! We know our bodies best and 9 times out of 10 if you think something is wrong but the doc says there isn’t, go another route! EXACTLY what you did and now look at you go! Good luck sweet lady!
Thank you so much!
I’m so happy to hear you found this! I know you’re struggling, but just wanted to say I’ve seen a difference in both of you and you (both) look great. Also don’t forget muscle weighs more than fat, but makes you look thinner. Keep up the great work!!
I need an update! I’ve been struggling with the same issues. Do you still believe in MRC?????
I don’t go there anymore, but MRC definitely worked for me when I did.