I am going to go ahead and admit that I love reading glasses. And, I have an entire collection of them. They are like earrings or other accessories to me since I usually only pay between $10 – $20 for them. Most of my collection are blue light reading glasses because I need both… readers and the blue light blockers.
My eyes started feeling so dry and looking like I had a good night of partying…. very bloodshot. I believe I read somewhere that the older you gets, your eyes get more bloodshot… Just one more thing added to the list of “The shit that happens when you get old….”
We are surrounded by blue light from the sun every day. I guess our eyes can adjust to that. It’s what makes us all stay awake all day. BUT….. since most everyone is on a computer all day long.. or a phone, we are all exposed to blue light to the extreme. A lot of times, too much blue light will make one’s eyes hurt and feel very dry. Mine were terrible for awhile until I figured this out. And, it’s probably what lead to my obsession with blue light readers.
I always get asked about certain glasses since I have such a large collection, so I am always sharing my finds. There are a few in my collection that don’t have the blue light protection and I can sure tell when I accidentally do some work in them. I recently found some excellent storage containers for my readers that I am obsessed with. Deb is particularly fond of them since they aren’t laying all over the house anymore.
If you are like me and love readers, check out some of my favorites. You can click the pictures below for the links.
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