My Spotify Playlist for February

  1. Mary Newland says:

    I am curious as to if you installed a backsplash in your kitchen. I am in the throws of a kitchen reno due to a leak …but yay, getting this done thanks to insurance dollars. So…any advice? Just a note * I am all about your aesthetic and so the “white and wood” vibe is very present and will be even more now. 🙂 I appreciate any info or suggestions you have. Thanks

  2. Michelle D. says:

    What is the name of the series you were watching on Netflix? You said if we enjoyed Hallmark then we would probably like it. I should have written it down! Thank you!

  3. Dana Parciak says:

    I LOVE your playlists! Thanks for sharing them! Just when I get into a rut, you post a great one!

  4. Gina Cutaia says:

    I LOVE all the music you play. When I listen to it I say ” oh, I loved this song “. Every one of your songs brings back a memory for me. Please keep playing these songs !! and Thank you !!

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