Our Unlacquered Brass Kitchen Faucets

  1. Whitney says:

    Hi! Your kitchen is GORGEOUS! I purchased this faucet using your link and unfortunately was sent an entirely different faucet… mine was not solid brass and came scratched and discolored. I was so dissatisfied! Would you have any other recommendations as to where to purchase a quality, handmade piece like the one yiu have pictured?

    • Danelle Harvey says:

      Well this completely disappoints me. Please tell me you got a refund. I cannot believe that. And, I have no other sources that I have personally tried.

  2. Laurel Mauk says:

    I love the faucet! I will definitely be ordering. May I inquire about the countertops? There are so many choices out there. Is this a quartz? Thank you.

  3. Denis says:

    Brassna.com faucets are much better , highly recommended

    • The faucet is really great. I also ordered a sink drain and a pot filler along with it. They are all good and need it. Thank you for recommending the Brasspure store; they have wonderful products. ❤️

    • Alexandra says:

      David, can I hear more about your experience with Brassna? I’m ordering from them and am concerned after reading other reviews on here.

  4. Sue says:

    Hi! How is your faucet holding up over time?

  5. Emily says:

    If you’re looking for quality, Zayian.com faucets are the way to go. Highly recommended!

  6. Laura says:

    I love your faucet and used your link to purchase my own. How long does it take for the patina-look to form? Did you encourage the process somehow?

    • Danelle Harvey says:

      We didn’t do anything to encourage the process, and it probably took a few months to develop the patina look.

  7. Carly says:

    Hi, I bought a similar faucet from the company, but when our plumber installed it the join leaks a lot where the bridge and neck meet. Did you have any issues with this at all? Our plumber thought is was a issue with a washer inside, but the company is saying the washer is meant to look that way.

  8. Josh says:

    Brassna faucet supply lines busted after 1 day andf flooded my home costing me thousands in repairs. The company refused to take responsibility for items they supplied. Horrible company

  9. Said says:

    I recently purchased a brass kitchen faucet from NordBrass.com, and I couldn’t be happier with the quality and design. The faucet not only adds a touch of elegance to my kitchen but is also incredibly durable. If you’re looking for a stylish and reliable brass faucet, I highly recommend checking out their selection. The craftsmanship is top-notch, and the service was excellent!

  10. Kelly says:

    I saw some references to Brassna. Please know that this is a fraudulent company! Do not from then.

  11. Kelly says:

    I saw some references to Brassna. Please know that this is a fraudulent company! Do not but from them. We are out over $600 dollars from them.

    • Ian says:

      I’m embarking on a large project right now. I’m hearing mixed things here about Brassna.

      Kelly had a bad experience, is she the only one?

  12. Alexandra says:

    Would love to hear more about Brassna faucets from anyone who has had experience. Thanks!

  13. Kristy says:

    I have a Brassna faucet, it was good at first but 8 months in the threading stopped working and now the top part comes completely off making it unusable They say they will send me another one but i can see why they were a fraction of the price from say Waterworks.

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