I love classic leather handbags, but I bet you already knew that. I can guarantee you didn’t know that I’ve been a long-time fan of Fossil. One of the girls got me hooked on Fossil handbags years ago after she bought her first one. She was OBSESSED with the “skeleton key” key fob that comes on Fossil handbags! Because she loved skeleton keys when she was younger and that skeleton key drew her in. And, we both have been lovers ever since.
Fossil carries handbags and several different quality items such as watches, wallets, jewelry for men and women, and so much more. The best words to describe Fossil products are minimal, simple, and elegant.
Fossil recently released their newest fall line, the Heritage Collection, and I am completely smitten. They are a little bit of vintage mixed with a little bit of mid-century design. The idea for the new line of watches and leather styles started by taking a look at past Fossil designs, and making them with new materials and craftsmanship. After browsing the new items in the collection, I rounded up a few of my favorites that are so worth mentioning.
The Fossil Heritage Mini Flap Crossbody bags are so versatile. They are large enough to hold one of the largest iPhones and carry all of your essentials. The scalloped front flap design and the contrasted stitch gives them an updated look that was actually taken from a 70s bag. And the more you carry these bags, the better they are!
The Fossil Heritage Watches for men and women are the result of decades-long dedication to quality watchmaking. They are fashioned after mid-century watches and come in 4 colorways for men and women both.
Fossil products are excellent quality and they will last a long, long time. These products would make such great gift ideas for the upcoming holidays. And I don’t know anyone who wouldn’t love a gift from Fossil.
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I check twice a day on IG to see how things are going. I just look at yours (lol) you all need to get a youtube channel you would be off the charts. Just posting this stage of your move would have tons of hits. Anyway I know you have sooooo much time to work on that. Just put it on Debs list she will get right on it. lolol.
Hahahahaha I think I would simply kick the bucket if we had to keep up with another platform… 😂😂😂