Oh my gosh… The 127 Yard Sale is one of the most fun things Deb and I try to do every year. We missed it last year, but wasn’t about to miss it this year. If you have never heard of it, here is a bit about it. The 127 Yard Sales are the world’s longest yard sales that happen every August. It runs mostly along State Road 127. I say, MOSTLY, because a lot of little towns off of 127 have their city wide yard sales as well. The sale runs from Michigan to Alabama. If you didn’t know, we live in Ohio and live about 15 minutes from 127. So we travel down the road from our house for 15 minutes and start our adventures. We usually leave on Thursday or Friday and travel south until we are too tired to stop anymore. Several times in the past, we have spent the night near Cincinnati and then traveled back home the next day… hitting all of the new ones that opened up or that we missed the day before.
When we owned our store front, we brought home TRUCK LOADS full of items that we new we could resell and make money. One guy told us that a couple from Canada stopped.. and also one from California. Basically, people come from all over the United States to experience this yard sale. I have heard of people shopping the entire thing. They start in Alabama and ended up in Michigan. Those are the people who usually have store fronts and they bring huge covered trailers with them.
I shared it on this post, if you are interested. I love seeing other people’s garage sale, flea market, and thrift store hauls, so I figure you do, too.
Vintage Step Stool – I found this cute little vintage step stool seen in the top picture and I believe ended up paying $5 for it. This will be adorable on the porch with flowers, or even within my decor in the house. It needs a thorough cleaning for sure, but I couldn’t pass that up.
Antique Photo Album – I LOVE old photo albums. This one will be either displayed on a side table or leaned up against the back of an antique cabinet of mine amongst other collections. I believe I paid $5 for that as well.
Ornamental Piece off of a Dresser – I found this shortly after we started shopping. It is an ornamental piece off the back of a dresser. I have this vision of attaching it to the wall above our front door in the entryway of the new house. It think it will add so much interest there. If not there, I’m sure I will find a place. That, too, was only $5.
Vintage Metal Bucket – This vintage metal bucket was marked $5… are we detecting a theme here? So far, everything we bought was $5. I saw this and immediately thought it would look so cute with a Christmas Tree tucked down inside of it. And I could use it for plants on the front porch as well.
Antique Picture and Picture Frame – My eyes are drawn to antique frames. There are so many different things you can do with them. I have added mirrors and you already know that I add different pictures and swap them out for the seasons. The frame didn’t have a tag, but setting right beside this frame was a Longenberger basket priced at $150. I had no hope but figured I would ask anyway. I bet you will never guess what he said…. He stuck with the theme above and said, $5. I was speechless.
Squirrel Nut Cracker – I saw several squirrel nutcrackers but they wanted $25-$30. So when I saw this one for $10, I grabbed it. I think he will look really cute within my fall decor.
Geese Decoys – Deb and I have wanted a few of these for our pond. These are huge and are in great condition. He told us we could have three of them for $10 each and then he threw in 3 more that needed repaired. I will use a few on our porch after giving the damaged ones a coat of paint.
Antique Cast Iron Flag Stand – These flag stands held the American flag in classrooms years ago and are usually pretty pricey. I can think of a lot of things to do with this but the first thing I thought of was to hold a small Christmas tree. I paid $15.
Antique White Corbels – These corbels were marked $130 for the pair which is a steal because of their size. He came down to $120 for the pair. I want to add these to one of our porches on the new house.
Antique Crock – I pick up every crock that I find for under $10. They are so useful. I found the smaller white one for $3 at the very end of the day.
Round Metal Lid – Deb found this round metal lid and wants to use it for her bird feeders… I believe on the top of them. She has an idea which I cannot wait to see. They guy told us it was off of a pig feeder. She paid $50.
Antique Glass Lamp Post Globe – We have 5 antique lamp posts to install here on the property and none of them have the glass globes. This one matches the other two that we have already up. Remember those projects? Check them out here and here. They guy sold this to us for $60. Being glass, they are really hard to find as they were easily shattered when replacing street lamps.
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I wish I would have gone. I would loved that cigarette vending machine. So many great finds!
Thank you!! We have a blast every year. You need to check it out next year!
Awesome finds ♥️
Thank you!
My husband and I did the sale on Friday. Started in MI and ended up in Van Wert. Found nothing, yep nothing. Was so disappointed and not sure what we were doing wrong. Are you stopping at all the house sales or just the bigger ones? Any tips you care to share? Thanks.
Aww I am sorry you had no luck. From my experience it all depends on what you are looking for. I have all different types of things I collect so if you are looking for one thing in particular, you probably won’t find it.
My friend and I are from Michigan. We always start in Crossville TN and then head up to Lexington KY. Great stops along the way. We were rained out today but had 2 great days of stops.
Wow!! That is a long trip!! Hope you found a bunch of goodies!
Love the 5.00 theme. Made me smile.As a young newly wed….years ago….I used to go to estate sales with my parents and grandpa. He would tap me on the shoulder if I went above my typical 10.00 bid and jokingly offer me one of his nitroglycerine tablets.. Now I need one of those squirrels!
Awww that is such a sweet story.
Can you do a post, or link to one, where you explain what you do to antique corbels and other wooden pieces before placing them outside? Thank you! Always an inspiration ♥️
I was hoping you grabbed that CUTE green bucket!
I couldn’t pass it up!!
I live in Toledo, and we started in West Unity, and went to about Defiance area. It was so hot on Saturday! I got a few items that were under $5. We were looking for chairs for my daughter’s wedding. No luck at the sales, but when we got back to my friends house, she opened her garage and had exactly what I had been looking for!! I also found an antique drill press for my son-in-law to be, $60. Did not pick it up on Saturday – My husband and I went back on Sunday and it was still there!! It was meant to be. The owner ended up showing us the inside of his house that he has been working on – and we might go back for a pair of French Doors!! It was a lot of fun. Next year, I will plan for more days to go farther down 127!!
Oh my gosh that sounds like you guys had the best luck and the best time!! So awesome! This is what its all about 🙂 You never know what you will find!
Hi Guys! My mother in law and I are planning on heading north for the 127 this year (which we have never done before)!
I know you shared a parking lot full of fun antique stuff near you! Do you mind sharing where that’s set up or what area you guys shop at?
If you both go this year, hope you find lots of goodies!
Oh.. we are going to the 127 sales as well. I’m so excited. I bet you are thinking of the Van Wert Fair Grounds. They have a bunch of vendors set up there and I always share our hauls from there.
I think that’s it ! Thanks so much!
Hope you find lots of goodies next week! PS your garden arbor is turning out beautiful! 🤍
I think that’s it ! Thanks so much!
Hope you find lots of goodies next week! PS your garden arbor is turning out beautiful! 🤍
When is this tag sale in August and does it go for days?