We are slowly moving ALL OF THE STUFF over to the house. And, I mean slowly. There is no reason to go all out and move every single thing here and have a huge mess. Number one, there is no rush. We don’t have a timeline of needing to be out of the cottage. Number two, we want to sell some of the items that are in the cottage. So that will hold everything that we want to sell for a bit. We bring a load over to the house and put it away. And, then repeat. I have been putting things away in drawers where I think will be good and will order organizers later. BUT… I wanted some normalcy with my decor. So, I decided to decorate our countertop by the kitchen sink. So today I am sharing how I am adding woods to my whites in the kitchen.
I don’t remember where I said it … if it was here or on social media. But someone asked me what my style was and I really have no clue. It is antique and vintage woods and whites. I mix everything together so it doesn’t really have a style name. I love decorating with all of my collections, especially in the kitchen. Probably because I have so many of them. Wood rolling pins, wooden spoons, and potato mashers are things I have collected since my early 20s. You could pick them up for less than $1 back then. I found them at garage sales, flea markets, thrift stores, etc. They were items I could afford on my small fun money budget.
I wanted both sides of the sink to look balanced. So I added some antique wicker baskets to each side and started filling them with my goodies. Of course, I added a lamp to my countertop. It’s something that I love to do. It creates a nice ambiance when you add a low watt light bulb and leave it on all of the time. This is one that Deb made me years ago out of an old table leg. I love it so much.
The wicker basket with rolling pins is one that my grandma always carried to church for all of the gatherings, picnics, and ice cream socials. I will cherish it forever. Every time I see it, I think of her.
I added a few little winter trees in my Majolica planters for for holidays, which will be easily switched out to greenery. I set one of them on a stack of cutting boards that I also collect. Our copper water vessel is coming in really handy right now. (Use code DANDD to save some money site wide.) The cold water faucet where we get our drinking water has a small slow leak. So we have to keep that water turned off until we get a new part for it. It’s on the way.
Do you keep your dish soap in a pretty dispenser? I do. It makes doing dishes just a little better. I added my pretty soap dispenser to a riser and added my marble cutting board to the top of it to protect the wood from water. Of course, I had to add a candle and my brush I use for dishes.
Adding all of these wood tones sure helped warm this space up. And, yes.. we both love our spaces full of our finds. I know that some people don’t like the “clutter” but we happen to think it feels cozy. Do you love the full look or are you a minimalist? I am definitely a maximum-ist.
Dish Brushes / Copper Vessel / Soap Dispenser / Riser / Marble Cutting Board /Candle
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It all looks so pretty and I love the full look. So excited to see each new area
Thank you, Kim
I love everything that you two come up with for your home ❤so beautiful ❤
Thanks, Teresa
You girls rock my socks! You are so good at knowing what goes where! Love it !!
Well, thank you!
Love, love, love the full look. I am the more the “ merrier”.
The more the “ merrier” or like we like to call it….EXTRA. I love it.
You girls need to write a book. You give so much information it’s hard to keep up sometimes.
Now that’s an idea! Thanks for that, Deb.
I agree a full house feels so very cozy
Enjoy your stuff it brings a smile to my heart
Extra cozy…..our favorite.
I still haven’t figured out what I am. When I see calmness of the minimalist, I like that. But like you I still have lots of things that I have collected or have been passed down to me that are sentimental. And I love having them around me. But somehow they never come out looking styled anywhere near how nice yours does.
It takes time, Cheryl!
Ha-ha! I love that term…a maximum-ist! That’s me for sure. I too have special things from my Grandma and I cherish them. It’s so sweet to actually find a perfect spot or use for them. Your woods and whites kitchen is beautiful!
I love it all ♥️Yep I fall in that “ maxuim- it’s catagory too . I wished I lived naked and bare , and I do to some degree in spring and summer , but come fall and winter all the layers come out and I’m not talking blankets lol . Look forward to your post and what’s happening in your new space . So beautiful
Maximum or EXTRA….our favorite.
More is more for sure in my book. I love your style and just can’t wait to see more as you continue decorating your new house. I have my maternal grandmother’s hinged top picnic basket that she took to all of the big family gatherings and feel the same way about it. Happy New Year!
More is more! Happy New Year, Teddee.
isn’t it just the best???? we’ve been renovating our basement, and now our main bathroom for what seems like not very long…but I might be confused. I love what you guys do…you’ve given me some inspiration for when we get around to sprucing up the kitchen!!! Have a great New Year!!!
Love all of the extra and more. I know people think I do over the top things in my home but it makes me happy! It feels warm and cozy to my soul! I cannot imagine it any other way. Your extra is why I look forward to all your creative ideas and homemade decor!
Love filling up empty spaces!! The more the merrier!
I’m all for clutter, maximalism is a word I love….. I don’t have the collections you have…..I live in Australia and we just don’t have the fabulous finds that you guys do 🥹😀….
I was just looking on Antique Farmhouse, and lo and behold……there were photos of your new home with items that you’ve sourced from her 😀👏👏💖🙋♀️
I love my collections also. I don’t know why people think it’s clutter to have many things displayed. They are my treasures and make me happy. I enjoy seeing al your wonderful “stuff”!
We all have our special treasures.
Show a picture of your fireplace in your kitchen!!!!!~
I just love all your decor…and your style..I used to be a less is best, but since we moved into a smaller home I have pulled out things from drawers and closets and used all of them in our decor and still on the hunt for more..so envious of your home and collections….
Such beautiful decor!! Where did you get the little winter trees?