Antique Mirror Above our Stove

  1. Tina says:

    I love the mirror above the stove! In fact I’ve been debating about putting one over my stove since I saw it at your house on Winchester!

  2. megan says:

    Love it so much!! Can you link the wreath?

  3. Becky Woodruff says:

    I’m with you. I always go for looks and what feels and looks right first. It would never have entered my mind about the cleaning aspect. 🤷🏻‍♀️

  4. Connie says:

    ALWAYS… team mirror! I love mirrors and agree 100% with your “do what you want” attitude. Putting a mirror above the stove actually gives the effect of a window or added light to your space. Also, gives the cook an added bonus of keeping an eye on the wine bottle and spouse 😎

  5. Renee says:

    At first I thought, that’s going to get splatters…then I thought…duh…just take it off it’s hanger and clean it. It would be way easier to do than stretching my 5’1” body across the stove trying to clean the backsplash.

  6. Rhonda says:

    Team mirror of course?!? You have to clean behind the burners anyway soooooo, what’s the big deal?!

  7. Danette says:

    Whatever you do it always ends up looking fabulous.
    I was on the fence about this one as you know BUT it made sense that you have to clean up the tiles behind your stove when you cook so why not have a beautiful mirror . I don’t do alot of dying either . Way to go Ladies !! I definitely love that Deb was able to sand it down too .

  8. Diana says:

    Keep the mirror above the stove …… it’s awesome !!!
    Your house , your way !!!

  9. Linda Wolf says:

    Team Mirror! I love it!

  10. Cheryl says:

    I think it looks great! Along with everything else you’ve done.

  11. Pamela Runyon says:

    The mirror adds beautiful depth. Love it! And I know for sure it has to be easier to clean than the brick behind my stove!

  12. Mary Sturgeon says:

    LOVE IT🥰🥰🥰🥰. You. Do. You!!!! So excited to see the move in process and ALL the decorating ❤️

  13. Deb Eckles says:

    Team mirror for sure!!! I keep a huge tole tray as my back splash behind my stove and I love the contrast and the fact that it can be cleaned very easily and switched out (I collect these trays and use them for every occasion). I love your decor from top to bottom and you both as well!

  14. Peggy Spencer says:

    Team mirror!,,looks beautiful.I am a senior,74 years,and new to your blog.Love,love,love everything y’all do.Love the big square of soap in your laundry.Gotta get my granddaughter to help me find some.
    Have a blessed day

  15. Brenda says:

    Absolutely Team Mirror…

    Looks awesome as does everything in your home so far…can’t wait to see the rest of your home when you are finished💕 thanks for taking us on your journey…

  16. Guerrina says:

    I LOVE it!

  17. Kim says:

    It looks fabulous ♥️♥️

  18. Kim K says:

    We will be renovating our kitchen after the first of the year and I love the look of the mirror. It would not have occurred to me to put a mirror behind the range. The only thing that gives me pause is my husband likes to dabble in the kitchen and he leaves a MESS in his wake! Even his attempts at cleaning are dubious at best. He likes to use a dry towel to smear around grease and spatters. I love the look but my marriage would probably not survive it.

  19. Tami says:

    Team mirror all the way! I had a mirror over my stove at my precious house. Loved it! It is easy to clean, reflects light and you can see your kids acting crazy when your back is turned! Lol You guys are great! Keep the great ideas coming and please always do what you love! I sure do!

  20. Mattie says:

    I am all for what works for YOU after all you live there , none of us do . I used to get slammed because I hv an antique and unique dresser and mirror in my living room and to that I said: yea, sooooo??!! It’s my house not yours . I also took the covers off my lamps as they are old and I love the medal and shapes of just the wire rims . My neice did ask ( where’s your shade) 🤣 I joked and said there’s a shade thief . Do what makes YOU happy as always . Others will just hv to live w/ it 😆🤷‍♀️ Love your new / old home

  21. Cynthia Pond says:

    I love the idea and it looks fantastic, always go with your gut, you know what will work for you and your style

  22. Shannon Jenkins says:

    I say it looks awesome. Your house your choice, I personally love it all so far. Can’t wait to see the rest.

  23. Cynthia says:

    I think it all looks FANTASTIC! I cannot believe people are ACTUALLY giving ANY negative opinions on your mirror 🤣😂😂😂REALLY ! I LOVE IT ! It’s your home and what’s their deal ? Any way ! Looking forward to all your fantastic decor ideas and styles ! I personally decorate my Acorn Cottage 1European style!nestled on three acres of huge oak trees in beautiful Northern California and currently adding a cottage we named Squirrels Nest Inn !

  24. Missy says:

    Team mirror!!! I LOVE mirrors! I also completely agree that everyone should do whatever they want with their decor! After all, it’s THEIRS! Your kitchen is GORGEOUS! I love all the gold/brass. That’s what I’ve been deciding on for our kitchen when we update it. Thanks for always sharing your home and lives. Love you guys!

  25. Anonymous says:

    Love it..Team mirror for sure

  26. Kathi Bonney says:

    Absolutely love it…Trends are trends…kind of the monkey see..monkey do theory…but your decor is just beautiful and original..can’t wait to see the house when complete..

  27. Kathi Bonney says:

    Late to the party…but I am definitely a Team mirror. Love your style… and I agree wholeheartedly I don’t really care what the trends are…

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