Have you been watching stories over on social media?
Construction has begun on the new house. I cannot believe it. The above picture does not look like much, but we have been planning this for 2 1/2 years. So it’s A LOT to us just to get this dream of ours going. Let’s reflect on the last 2 1/2 years of our lives.
I told you I would share everything that happens with the new build over here as well as social media. It’s going to be good for us to look back in years to come to see the steps that it takes to build a brand new house. If you missed the layout of the house, I shared that several months ago. Deb and I did not want an open concept home, and we wanted it to feel like an older colonial style home. We wanted less rooms but wanted them to be big. So check it out if you missed that post.
We are having the basement in only half of the house and the rest is crawl space. The basement will house all of the mechanicals, an exercise room, a toy room for the grandkids, and a half bath. So… days one and two started with work on the basement, of course, which we lovingly refer to as our big dirty hole. ???? After that was done, stone was added as a base for the concrete. The concrete people will come on Monday to form up the sides of the basement walls which will be poured first, and then the floor.
Framing will come next. And you can bet your bottom dollar I will be sharing all of that with you as well. I find this process very interesting since we have only flipped homes and never built one from the ground up.
Stay tuned.
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What another awesome adventure for you guys! I cannot wait to follow your journey. You two rock!
Thank you!! You are so sweet. We are so excited. Thank you for following along!
Finally! I can exhale. I Have been holding my breath for at least two years.
Haha!! Us too.
I am beyond excited for the two of you. I know you have patiently been working towards this dream and now it’s becoming a reality. Congratulations. I can’t wait to see how beautiful this will be ♥️♥️????????????????????
Thank you so much, this is so kind. We are so excited to share with you all. I am so excited to decorate a whole new space!
I’m on the edge of my seat waiting for that house to be done! I just know that it’s going to be spectacular. So happy to be along for the ride with you gals. I’ve been following for years and am so inspired by everything you do.
We are right there with you!! It has been a long time coming. Thank you so much… we are so happy you’re here. ❤️
I have been waiting FOREVER for the dirty hole to be dug‼️???????????? Congratulations and look forward to seeing new developments ‼️????????????????
Hahaha!! Deb’s dirty hole isn’t looking so dirty anymore!! They are working SO fast!! Thank you though… we are so excited to get in there.
I can’t wait to see the process and the final house. So exciting!!!
Have you ever shared your house plans? We anticipate building in and love your home!!
Yes, you can see the blueprints here! https://debanddanelle.com/new-home-layout-coming-2022/