We have had chickens in the past. When we had our big house out in the country, it was our first go with chickens. We loved having them. There is really nothing like heading to the coop and grabbing fresh eggs for meals. We landed at the House on Winchester for a few years and had chickens there as well. I loved that coop. To be completely honest, both Deb and I really didn’t think when we moved here to the woods, we would have them again. I don’t even know why. We talked about it several times and sort of forgot about it. We have the room here on our five acres, but never committed.
The world today is pretty unpredictable… So, we decided this is the perfect time to add chickens to our land. But, what would be use for our coop?
Deb researched online and decided we would build one ourselves. She even went as far as purchasing a plan online. It was adorable. After pricing out the materials, we quickly realized that it would cost $2,200 plus all of the work involved. After sharing this journey on social media, I received a text from my cousin.
I had no clue that my cousin had a shed at her lake cottage that she wanted to get rid of. She text and said we could have it if we could figure out how to move it. It is 6’x8′ so it was a perfect size for a small coop. So with a plan in mind, sort of… and a few friends, we set out to pick it up. Do you remember when Deb and I moved a bunch of old concrete pieces using a pry bar and PVC pipes? Well… we took that same approach. And it worked really well.
We got it loaded up with the help from our friends and a random stranger who was driving by. And thankfully, we got it home safely and unloaded.
Aside from adding the normal chicken coop items to our shed… a perch, hen boxes, a fenced in run, etc…. we want to make this a really cute coop. We have several old white chippy doors in our storage unit that we thought we would use in the new house. But, we have changed our minds. One of them will be PERFECT on the coop. We will remove the old shed doors and revise that to fit one of those. The coop needs a few windows for ventilation, so we plan on adding one on each side. There are a few boards that need replaced that have some rot. Deb mentioned insulating it because our winters are so cold. Although we will still be using heat lamps during those months, I think it would be a good idea to throw in some insulation while we are working on it. I guess now is the time! And, of course, landscaping.
It will for sure get a fresh coat of white paint. Who knows what else. Stay tuned to social media where you will get updates quick. I will for sure be sharing everything here as well.
If you missed last summer’s project, check out the Squatter’s Camp.
Related posts: Progress on Coop, Found Items for Coop
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I can’t wait to watch the transformation of this shed into the cutest chicken coop…I am sure!
I think you will be blown away! I have a very cool vision in my head!
I can’t wait to see what you guys come up with!! Thanks for sharing my coop on your insta stories! I think I had more fun designing that project then any other I have done
It is going to be awesome! And you are so welcome. That is awesome, it is a very fun project.
I can’t wait. I’m sure I will have coup envy. I have always been afraid to heat my coup.
Hahaha you are funny. We are excited to share.
We all know it will be the best coop in the country! Love you “girls”!!!!
This is going to be so fun to watch, the little coop needs a name! ‘IM ALL COOPED UP’ with a little Elvis lip twinge
Will the chickens also have a free range run? We have an adorable coop and had about 8 chickens a few years ago. We live on 8 acres surrounded by nature and something go into our chickens until they were all gone. I hate having them “cooped” up and want to let them eat bugs and roam the yard, but don’t want them to be eaten either. Curious about your idea?
Check out Living with Landen on here. She has several highlights on her chickens who wore Santa Hats at Christmas . She also has cute coop ideas. I love the Elvis idea. I once taught with a teacher who had an Elvis clock that shook his hips while it was ticking. I can just visualize that on your coop porch. You two are the most creative people ever can’t wait.