It is late in the season for decorating for Christmas according to the internet and what we do. So, I am calling this my “winter decor.” And, of course, I don’t know how long it will last here but I couldn’t help myself. They are ALMOST done with the entire house. There is a punch list left and they hope to complete that this week and it’s all over. Hallelujah. This is one room that doesn’t have much left to do. I think the only thing is to install a doorknob to the basement door and add the latches on the window above the sink. The trim crew hung my antique cabinet above the washer and dryer so, of course, I had to fill it. And, I chose to add a few Christmas trees to this space too. I am calling this our cozy winter laundry room.
Note: Instagram is a platform that wants us all to share in the form of a video. If you don’t post videos, they don’t show your content to very many people. But it is so hard to capture all of the details of a room. I absolutely love seeing still photos of people’s rooms because I want to study the photos. So…I almost always share my spaces here on our website. So if there is anything you want to see closeups of, always check here. You can enter what you are looking for in the search bar and it should pop up.
Now on to the winter look in the laundry room!
Like I said, I am not sure how long this will stay, because usually, come January, I usually want all trees put away. But, since I don’t have anything decorated for Christmas, I wanted to add a few evergreen trees in my decor. There is still a few more things I want to add to the other side of this room. And that will require a little DIY which I will for sure share when we complete it.
I added my antique commode collection to our laundry room cabinet. I know it’s a strange collection to have but I started it a long time ago. Years ago, I picked up my first one at an auction. And used it as a trash container in our bathroom. I loved it. My collection grew from there. It’s kind of funny, because I almost have a phobia for toilets other than our own… but I collect these.
I think they look really nice with the wood cabinet. My vintage clothespin collection was tossed in one of the commodes which gave me another wood tone. That collection started when I went to pick up something I bought off of the Facebook Marketplace. The girl had a ton and said she was throwing them all away. Well… we couldn’t have that. I love the way they look. And then I added my collection of antique celluloid mirrors. I found my first one at a thrift store for a few dollars. I loved the beveled glass mirror and the look of the handle. After that first one, they popped up in my life all over the place. If I see them for under $5, I grab them.
Did you see the post where I shared our vintage looking laundry room sink and faucet? I gave all of the details in that post if you are interested. I added my little sewing machine drawer set that I got at a flea market years ago to the countertop. And then added my OPEN sign for height, which I found at an antique mall several months back.
I wanted more height on the countertops. So I added a marble cake stand to the one side, and an old rusty bird bath to the other. I has been on the porch for years, but I like the way it looks here. Of course, by adding a few little trees here and there, it brings in the winter vibe.
This is just a start of the decor posts in our new home. I hope you all are here for it. Because it truly is my favorite thing to share. Thank you all so much for stopping by and checking out what we are doing. It’s so appreciated.
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And this is a laundry room and it’s amazing. I cannot wait to see what you do with the rest of the house!
Thank you, I love it so much. It was so much fun to do!
This looks absolutely fabulous. Looking forward to seeing all you do in your new “old” home.
Awww.. thank you. I cannot wait to share more!
Beautiful laundry room, love all your special touches.
Thank you so much. I love this space!
I wish I had half your talent for decorating. It’s all going to look so amazing when you move in. Can’t wait.
Oh gosh! Thank you. You are so sweet. It is going to be so much fun to get it going!
As always, you have done a drop dead gorgeous job.
Ohhh thank you. You are so sweet.
You never fail to amaze me! You are great with your decor !! Did you or have you taken any classes pertaining to interior design?
Thank you so much, that is the nicest compliment. And no, I never have. I just have always loved vintage decor and decorating.
I love everything about it! The sink and faucets are a perfect combination for that “old” new look!! I can’t wait to see more! Thank you for sharing the still photos so we all can study the look and see close up features, and describing the history behind your pieces!!
Aren’t they?! I was so excited when I found them. And you are so welcome, I love photos for that reason too.
Awesome, awesome, awesome!!
Thank you 🙂
Love all you did in the laundry room can’t wait to see what you girls do with the rest of your new home!
Thank you so much!
WoW !! —looks FAB !! I too like the still photos —that way I can ‘study’ the room. TKS for sharing.