I’m a big fan of ambience, aka mood lighting, when it comes to decorating our home. I like little bits of light here and there to create focal points in a room. Whether it be from a dimmed chandelier, a candle, or a night light. FYI – We have dimmer switches in every room so we can ????turn the lights, turn the lights down low…. ???? I think that’s a current song. (A.D.D. moment)
When Deb and I owned our store front, we made lots and lots of these little night lights from old lamps. It is so very simple to do and I still make tons of them to sell. I shared the idea over on Instagram and have had lots of my friends show me their own projects. So I thought I would share my DIY project with my little bloggy buddies, too!
Old lamp – I find most of mine at thrift stores
Chandelier socket sets (Click link to purchase. It contains the kit and the sleeve.)
Silicone night light bulb (Click link to purchase)
Screw driver – straight and phillips
Remove the harp, which is the part that the lamp shade is attached to. You may need to remove the felt on the bottom, also. Because once you start taking it apart, sometimes you need to hold on to the nut down below. Do you like how I said that? If your mind went elsewhere, welcome to the club of dirty minds. ????
Remove the top part of the lamp that holds the light bulb. It’s easiest if you use a very small screwdriver to pop it out. Do you like my pen emoji and my blurry picture? – Sorry about that… but I figured you would rather see a blurry picture than not know what in the hell I was talking about.)
NOTE: If your old lamp has two silver screws, the “smooth” wire is the HOT wire and will be attached to the gold screw. There is a ridge on the other one, in which you will attach to the silver screw.
Next, unscrew the top nut, to remove the part that held the harp, and screw the nut back on. This is where you may have to hold the nut down under to tighten the entire lamp back up. This particular lamp I didn’t have to.
Feed the wire through the bottom of the chandelier socket, which will then screw right onto the original lamp.
And there you have it!!! How to make a night light from an old lamp.
As always, I appreciate all of you so much for reading this little ol’ blog o’mine and pledge my love to each and every one of you. Thank you so much! Chat with me in the comments, on Facebook, or over on Instagram. I love to hear from you guys! Also, keep me posted if you make any of these and what you thought of the project. They add a little twinkle of light all over your house.
Buh bye now!
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View Comments
Love doing this, you almost have to when you have a love of old lamps and don't trust the wiring it came with.
I'm still looking for the perfect lamp to make one of these. Greatest idea since sliced bread!!!
hahahahah thank you. Keep me posted!
Thanks Danelle. Great project and tutorial. I’m gonna get my lamps, grab some nuts, and make me some night lights!
hahahahaha keep me posted!!!
Mah, io sono più vicino a quello "rurale della Caselli. "????La verità mi fa maale lo soo????
Thank you, that was very cool. Now the hunt begins for the perfect lamp phase. I snapped pics of the step by step process and will create a file for it ????????
Yay... Keep me posted.
Grab it by the nut........???????????????? I’m so doing this!!!
hahahahahahahah . I laughed as I was typing that.
Your house is beautiful! I keep looking at the photos. Could you tell what color your walls are painted? Thanks Mary Jane
Thank you so much. Our old home was SW Pearly White.
I love this idea!!
I'm the same way about lighting. I just love little bits of light that add warmth all over the house.
I'll have to go through my stash of "treasures" in my garage and see if I have any old lamps about.
Thanks again! You ladies rock!! ????????????????
YAY!... and you are welcome. They are so fun to make.