I was shopping with one of my girls and came across this old, rusty wall sconce without any innards. I thought it had a neat shape and had no clue what I would do with it, but I had to have it. I asked the owner how much he wanted for it. He said, “Just take it….” I was like…. ???????????????????????????????????????????????? It’s actually been sitting in my office for about six months. In fact, I have several old lights that I cannot part with because they are antiques… and they have tons of character. And I just know I can find a place for them. ????
I change out decor so much that I didn’t want anything permanent hanging on the wall. Plus, as much as Deb likes projects, I sure didn’t want her to have to run electrical wiring so I could want to change it again in six months. So when I saw a clever idea floating around Instagram, I knew exactly how to update my old sconce. It involves a set of these puck lights. There are different varieties and quantities, so order accordingly. I prefer the ones with the dimmer because I didn’t want a bright light. I wanted more of a night-light just to high-light Bessie, my cow picture.
This is a no-brainer, but I always think things are easier to understand when there are pictures involved. On that note, we begin! Like I said earlier, this rusty old sconce had no innards. It would have made things a little easier had it had “something” in the top, because you need a flat surface to attach your new little puck light. So, Deb to the rescue, as always. She cut me a little piece of wood for the inside.
Don’t laugh. But I attached that little piece of wood in the top of the sconce with hot glue. Hey… it’s ugly but no one will see that! And it was a quick option!
I then attached one side of the velcro discs (included) to the piece of wood inside and the other to the light. I added the batteries and simply hung my rusty old sconce up on my shutters with one single screw. And there you have it: How to Update an Old Sconce – Wire Free Method.
I know what I’m going to be on the look out for! Every vintage light that I can get my hands on. The best thing about this is that they aren’t a permanent fixture. So, when you get a hair-brained idea to move things around, it wont be a problem. I have a few more I’m going to be working on, too!
Thanks so much for stopping by the blog today! I cannot tell you how much I appreciate it! Let me know what you think in the comments, or catch us over on Facebook and Instagram.
Buh bye now!
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Great re-purpose! So many of these old light fixtures headed to the dump and you not only restored it, you left it in it’s rusty crusty state. Glorious!
I’m a newbie to your blog; so kindly forgive me for commenting on a post from last year. This is awesome & clever! Love this idea.