We recently had a pond dug on the property. It is very small but it serves the purpose that we wanted it for. It takes up space so Deb doesn’t have to mow so much grass. ???? It gives us a great watering hole to jump into when we are working outside sweating our butts off. And, it is a beautiful place to watch the sunsets. I answered several common questions regarding the pond in a few posts, like how does the water not drain out and what type of evergreens did we have planted?
We also had a small deck built by the pond so that we would have another place to enjoy our outdoor spaces. And if you have been around for any length of time, you know we love a large selection of outdoor spaces to enjoy. We knew we wanted to add some landscaping around that pond deck. But, we wanted to keep it simple. Our goal on the property is to keep everything LOW TO NO maintenance. Because we want to do fun projects and not have to maintain things every year. So we kept all of that in mind when we chose our landscaping for the pond deck.
We love the look of boxwoods and hydrangeas all over the property. Hydrangeas wouldn’t survive out by the pond because it is full sun. So we went with simple boxwoods in two different shapes.
We decided that it would be really cool to have a step leading up to the deck. So while we were out and about buying our boxwoods at a nursery, we found a perfect step for this project. Did you watch stories over on social media? This was a project that kept evolving. And one that wasn’t that much fun. ???? It doesn’t take long to plant shrubs unless you have hard rock clay soil. It took us about a half hour to dig one hole and there were 8 to dig.
We set the step and realized that it would be better if we added two steps. So, we removed the step we already had added in order to add the second one. While Deb was at the landscaping place buying the second step, she saw a bunch of rock on clearance. So she grabbed those for this project, too.
We added the random rocks she bought for $25 around the edge as a border. And then we decided to add the larger rock around the new boxwoods Because we didn’t want to deal with mulch blowing into the pond.
I posted a reel over on Instagram if you want to see a video tour of this spot. I have a lot of ideas in mind for this space as I will be decorating it for fall soon. So stay tuned for that. This project took us so much longer than what it should have and what we thought it would. And I am so happy it is done. I hope by sharing these projects you see a few things. One is that you can do anything you put your mind to. Two is that all projects aren’t fun and don’t run smoothly. But, if you keep at it, it will finally come together.
What do you think? I am pretty happy with how the landscaping around the pond deck turned out.
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I think it looks absolutely beautiful it’s simple and beautiful and strikingly calm looking! I do think you guys are amazing. We just went and picked a truckload of pumpkins that the guy called and asked my husband if he just wanted to come and get some at 6 acres. We thought that was extremely nice. And that’s his way of giving back wow we were blessed! So many nice people but you don’t hear about it very often! Good luck you two on all your endeavors and your projects. I sure love watching them.
I love your choice of plants! You will love your rocks even more after a good rain. I think it’s very ok to have a setback or two in our processes, don’t you?
This is So great!!
Your deck is perfect! What is the size? It is exactly what I’m looking to build on my pond.