Who doesn’t like a great vintage haul? Especially when you bought said vintage items for a song or a dance. A few weeks back, I got a few items to add to my vintage collections and am just getting around the sharing them. So, here are my recent vintage finds.
First off, if you love seeing people’s vintage hauls as much as I do, mine are all rounded up. I share regularly and have shared for awhile, so there are quite a few posts. See them all here. When we go to yard sales, flea markets, or antique stores and find fun items, I love to share not only what we found, but the prices. Prices vary all over the country so it’s fun to compare prices. I think you will be shocked at my recent finds.
I keep saying “my” recent finds but I need to clarify. So, my cousin lives about 45 minutes away. Our mothers are twins so we all grew up staying at each others homes and hanging out a lot. She LOVES to thrift as much as I do. Since she lives in a big city, there are a lot of thrift stores. She told me the other day that she counted 18 of them and visits them frequently to see what new items they have. When she is out and about, I receive regularly texts from her with pictures of items she knows I collect with the words, “Want?”… So all of these recent finds of mine were from her. And they were all found in thrift stores, which I find very fascinating, as thrift stores are hit or miss a lot.
I have collected these little celluloid hand mirrors for YEARS. I remember my first one that I found at the Salvation Army in the town we lived in. It was so fascinating to me as it was heavy and great quality. The creaminess of the celluloid is what caught my attention and I paid $5 for it. It was a great size. That $5 price tag kind of set the tone for the budget that I had for any other celluloid mirrors that I found and wanted to add to my collection. If I found one for $5 or under, they came home with me. Throughout the years, I have acquired quite the collection and have them displayed in our laundry room cabinet above the washer and dryer. They look cute tucked down into an old wooden box. She found two that day and they were $3 each.
I recently found a few vintage wooden hand mirrors and since I now have three, I think it’s considered a collection. So, meet my newest one. Earlier in the spring, I went to a flea market and found 2 of them for $5 each and added them to my celluloid mirror collection. My cousin text me a picture of this chippy black one while she was out thrifting which was $2. That was an immediate YES! So I made a new spot for these three mirrors in our guest bathroom by adding them to an old crock that I’ve also had for years. You can better believe that I will be picking the up when I see them for under $5 anywhere.
I have an entire collection of random pieces of pottery and spongeware in the tones of golds, greens, browns, and salmon. Some of these I have had since my early 20s. They are all different random things that I’ve picked up for a few dollars during my adventures and I love them displayed all together. My cousin found a few pieces of spongeware for $2, which was also an immediate YES!
Have you found any exciting vintage finds recently? We will be hitting the 127 Yard Sales in a few weeks, so stay tuned for another fun vintage haul. We usually come home with several treasures from that.
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I love that you collect celluloid mirrors. I also think the wooden ones are beautiful. I tapped on your link for both kinds and wound up finding a painted wooden one from the 40s that I think is stunning…the back of it is adorned with Lily of the Valley which is my daughter’s favorite flower. I just put a bid on it for her…fingers crossed. Thank you for all your posts and references to what is vintage, new and/or on sale. I have ordered many great items that I wouldn’t have time to research or find myself. You two are the best!!!