If you missed the post on the pergola swing that we built a few months ago, check that post out first. It isn’t a step by step tutorial but we showed up close details. We made the design all up ourselves. We then added a brick pad under it using old street bricks and some stepping stones we picked up. The most popular question I received on the regular was if we were going to stain the pergola swing. Well, I have an update for you today. We have made some progress on the pergola swing.
We LOVE our projects.. but you already know that. Usually, I get an idea in my head and tell Deb… she will start planning it out in her head like she sees it going. We talk it all through and share the ideas with each other. Once the project starts, it usually takes several turns in lots of different directions with trail and error. And then we finally come up with a design to the project that we both love. That’s what happened with this pergola swing.
Once we had the main structure done, Deb wanted to add a few extra touches. I believe I shared in the last post that one day, I remembered our huge corbels that we had in storage. I wanted to work them into the design of the pergola because they are HUGE and we could not find a good place for them. I think they work great here and am so glad we could use them.
Deb decided to cut out a few pieces that had the same shape as the corbels and use them on the sides under the support just to be extra. ???? She had two done and then got side tracked on something else. So we had Jake, the Squatter’s Camp creator, cut two more out.
I always envision this pergola swing white, so I grabbed some solid white stain and gave it one coat. I figured I would see how it does through the winter. I may have to give it another coat next Spring, but we will see.
I love how this turned out and absolutely love spending time here. We can actually see almost everything on the property from the swing, including the cottage, the soon to be house, Squatter’s Camp, the fire pit, etc.
We have been working on the landscaping and grass around the swing. We are also adding some paths to that area. I will be updating Squatter’s camp again soon. There will also be a fun update on the dry creek bed we are adding to the property as well as lots of fall looks coming.
What do you think of this area so far?
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Love all the vignettes you make throughout the yard.
I love what you guys do I think my friends are sick of hearing me talk about you guys all the time. I love all your touches with your antiques and the fact that you make things look even better than they did before and that you don’t let anything stop you I love the lights I think that is going to be so gorgeous when you have all those up.
Ladies. This is beyond beautiful! I’m loving absolutely everything y’all have done to your cottage and property.
Retired and living with my hubby in Hot Springs, Arkansas.
Well, thank you.
I love this, but will you need to paint the corbels to keep them from rotting?
We added a coat of poly so they should be fine.
Love it! Great job!
I am just stumbling upon this and absolutely love it! I am trying to work out what I think ya’ll have done to make one for myself! Gorgeous!