In-feed Inspiration

In-Feed Inspiration: Chicken Edition

Hey everyone! If you are like me, you spend a lot of time aimlessly scouring social media with absolutely nothing in particular in mind. I did this a little bit in the past, but I want to start sharing some of my favorite accounts from Instagram that I discover in my search! This week, with […]

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We got our chickens

All Things Outside

We got our Chickens

I cannot even begin to tell you how happy it makes me that we got our chickens.  After a very rough few weeks, this gave me the boost I needed.  If you read the newsletter this week, you know that my mood has been very strange, almost a FLAT feeling.  I am blaming it on […]

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How to keep delivery drivers from driving in your grass.

All Things Outside

Landscaping Around our Driveway and New Sign

Gosh there is a lot to catch you all up on.  Last week was Amazon Prime Days so that took up the last several weeks.  We start prepping for that big event weeks ahead by planning and shooting content.  In the midst of all of that, we got some landscaping around our driveway done and […]

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All Things Outside

The Project We Have Been Waiting On

Guess what is happening.  I bet you will never guess.  The antique street lights are FINALLY being installed down our driveway.  Can you believe it?  Maybe you don’t even know the story behind the project we have been waiting on since moving to our property.  So I wanted to share the story along with several […]

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From The Garden

Roundup of Last Years Summer Projects and this Years List

The planning has begun.  Every year we have one major project that we plan around our property.  We call it our “big summer project.”  Our big summer project this year will actually happen late summer/early fall.  And, it’s BIG. I will share more about that later.  We do have several other projects that we are […]

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Shop Favorites

Deb and Danelle Best of March

Another month has come and gone. Can you even believe it?! March went by so fast that I hardly realized that we had moved into April! Today, I want to take a look back at all the things you all were loving over the past month.  Best of March I started off the month energized […]

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Raised Garden Beds from Vego -Deb and Danelle

Home Tour

Our 2023 Year End Review

Have you been with us for a while?  We had a busy 2023 in the fact that we moved into our new home at the end of December, 2022.  So January, 2023, was a new beginning in lots of different ways.  We already had a list of home projects in hand going into the new […]

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What to use on Antique Doors for Privacy

All Things Entryway & Stairway Landing

What We use on Our Antique Doors for Privacy

We have been working so hard outside these past several months on the garden pergola, the garden itself, the chicken coop, etc.  While I absolutely love working outside, I have been itching to get inside and do some fun things.  Well, I finally crossed something off of one of my lists inside our home yesterday […]

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