Who sets some type of goals at the start of each new year? ???????? Today I am specifically talking about how I am planning out my health goals for 2019. I have taken the all or nothing approach in the years past with health goals and I’m here to tell you that this method doesn’t work for me. By the end of January, whether I write my goals down or not, they are all a fail.
I’ve really been working hard at planning lots of things out for 2019. I actually write them down in my life planner. Because, I have found that writing things down kind of solidifies ideas and goals for me. Anybody else? More about this magnificent life planner later.
So here’s the deal. At the ripe old age of 153, I know I will never have my pre-menopausal figure back…. think tree trunk – thick in the middle floppage. ???? However, I could stand to lose a few pounds. I can work on my health and that alone will make me FEEL better. We have adopted LOTS of bad habits here in this household over the last several years. I will not bore you with all of them but I will tell you quick snacks and salty chips have become a regular. It is a struggle as they are totally addicting. I also know that I don’t drink the amount of water I am supposed to be drinking. Which is something that always makes me feel better and ultimately makes my skin glow. I don’t get the amount of exercise that I should be getting. Because… ME is tired….. ???? BUT, ME wouldn’t be tired if I exercised. I, would also love to try some intermittent fasting some time this year and see if that helps me to lose a few. Sooooo many people swear by it over on Instagram.
I want to approach my health goals a lot differently this year than years past. I will for sure be setting myself up for complete failure if I try to change EVERY bad habit at once. Supposedly, it takes three weeks to form a habit. So I figured I would set one new health goal at the beginning of every month and focus on THAT and THAT alone for that month. Add another one the next month and continue with the previous months goal. If you are a counting person, that’s 12 new good habits by the end of the year. ???? I think I should be nice and healthy come January 2020. ????
I secretly started my January goal on the first and will talk about it tomorrow. But, so far so good. I plan to post the first of every month what my new goal is, and I will post my progress, too.
OK… now let’s talk about my favorite life planners in the world. . I shared my Erin Condren Life Planner, aka fancy schmancy calendar, with you when I originally received it in the mail. But I want you to know this is life changing for me. My mind swirls around and around A LOT. So basically having all of my little notes and lists in one place is a life saver. This is especially perfect for all of my new goals, too. Now is the perfect time to purchase one for yourself. It’s the start of the new year, and it’s the perfect place to keep all of your own goals and lists.
I use the month at a glance for my appointments and due dates for bills. The week at a glance is PERFECT for my goal setting, what I want to achieve by what date, and my daily chores. I use this section for all of my business due dates, blog posts deadlines, etc. Each life planner comes with both sections. You just need to specify which layout for the week at a glance. I chose the horizontal layout.
Erin Condren has lots of accessories for your life planner and your office space. I have several of their stickers, dashboards, and their new acrylic stapler and tape dispenser. Gahhhhhhhhhhh! How cool are these? I use their coiled notebooks for brainstorming ideas for my blog, companies I need to contact back, and even grocery lists. You get to pick your cover on the life planners and spiral notebooks which I think is such a fun thing. And, the quality of their products is excellent.
Have you guys tried Erin Condren’s life planners yet? I know I have heard from several of you who ordered them over the last couple of months and you love them. Oh… and back to the health goals! ???? Do you have any bad habits you want to break? Have you ever done things this way? I’m just thinking this will work a lot better for me. I will for sure keep you updated.
Let me know your thoughts in the comments or chat with me over on Facebook and Instagram. I love hearing from you.
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I’ve heard about Erin’s planners…they look great. I’m a huge believer in writing things down and breaking it all into small. specific, doable steps. Good luck with all of your goals!
I’ve been doing the intermittent fasting for well over a year and its a game changer. Simplified, I eat all three of my meals within an 8 hour window. Happily, you’re sleeping 8 hours (hopefully!!), and then you simply have to manage those other 8 hours. I postpone breakfast as long as I can and that’s pretty easy as I’m not super hungry when I wake up. So I have my last meal roughly at 8:00 p.m. If you feel like you are dying, and like you said, habits to break after a few weeks, you can have some broth which makes you feel like you are filling your stomach. And the meals—eat sensibly and fill up on veggies!
Hope this helps!
Thank you so much. I’m so excited to see what my new goals bring. I think IM fasting is going to be my March goal.
Thank you Danelle, I am going to try the same approach…such a great idea!!!
Totally with you on the not trying to change everything all at once. I fail every time. The only “diet” that ever worked for me was Weight Watchers. And by that I mean that it helped me to realize how much food I was eating. Healthy or not. Anyway, I’ve been able to keep my weight down by eating less as much as I hate it, exercise. I eat whatever I want, within reason, but just eat less. I also learned that drinking water right before a meal helps fill you up so you eat less. I don’t think actually “dieting “ is necessary. Just making some changes. My problem now is WINE. We moved near wine country in SoCal about four years ago and I’ve gotten into the habit of drinking my red wine daily.????. So my change for the new year is to not drink during the week and enjoy my wine on the weekends. ????
Oh I hear ya. I love me some wine, too. One step at a time over here. ????
Last year, I did t have a planner and I missed so many events, deadlines, appointments, GAH! This year, I got a cute Studio54. One year, I’ll be able to think ahead and save up for an Erin Condrin. The paper is such good quality, in my mind, I think I write better on her paper. I write everything down. If I don’t have time to rewrite it in my planner, the sticky note goes in. I think the way your setting goals is a great idea! It’s similar to something I’ve been trying, it will be interesting to follow along with you!
Yay. I’m the same way. When it is written down, I tend to follow along with my plans better. Keep me posted on your progress.
My dad occ gets a little “thick in the middle”as he called it. Giving up alcohol tends to take care of it! Maybe a thought? It’s sooo much worse for you then anyone let’s on!
hahahahahah I’ve heard that. It’s either alcohol in moderation or nerve pills…. I choose the little buzz with the alcohol. LOL
I love the results I’ve had with intermittent fasting, 20 plus pounds down. I kind of fell off the wagon with the holidays and vacation but I’m back at it. I do the 16:8 and it works great for me. No food after 6-ish at night and I don’t eat again til 11 or so the next day. I’ve never really been a breakfast person so it works out great. I highly recommend it.
YES…. I keep hearing that. Those are the hours I want to use too. I believe that will be one of my next goals. I cannot wait to start.
Oh…and congrats on your weightloss. That’s AWESOME!
Absolutely agree with one new goal a month—this is ideal and will also do. I will be a month behind but that’s ok.
Menopause is tough and not only for weight issues but overall feeling not yourself—at least for me.
Here’s to a new day, will plan out my goals by month and hope to feel healthier.
Yay… good luck to you. Honestly. Menopause is a totally different ballgame. People used to tell me that and I didn’t quite understand what they meant. I get it now. ????
[…] you missed my post on how I’m setting goals differently in 2019, you may want to read that first. In a nutshell, I am focusing on ONE thing and one thing only each month to change. Because old […]