Creativity is a curse sometimes.
And, thinking is exhausting.
Like really exhausting.
In case you haven’t figured out yet, I am not a 9-5 gal, and let me tell you, this free-spirit comes with stress. Now, stop laughing.
When I’m working and creating, I wish I were relaxing. When I am resting on the couch, I am beating myself up for not working and creating. It’s a vicious cycle. I spend lots of time fighting my own thoughts.
And never mind sleeping at night.
Most nights, I am able to sleep about 3 hours at a time in two separate chunks. And, the hours between those two chunks, I’m usually solving all of life’s mysteries. I am creating different projects and the best way to complete them. I am subconsciously writing and re-writing blog posts that I want to share with you all night long. The lyrics to my favorite songs (or usually the one I last heard) will play over and over in my head until every word sticks. Yes, that includes theme songs to a show or a tune from a commercial that I heard the night before. My brain will not shut off.
Oh… and I quite frequently play a long, drawn-out game of “What-If.” You know, like “What-If” there is a hurricane headed our way to wipe out the entire state of Indiana.
Facts: Do you know that out of everything we worry about, 85% never, EVER happen. And out of the 15% of the worries that actually do happen, nearly everyone says it wasn’t as bad as they had imagined. How much time do I waste?
I am a “take everything to the extreme and cover all bases” kind of girl. I have no clue why, but it’s always been. I have to mentally prepare for every calamity that could possibly happen, which creates anxiety.
And, Deb is a very spiritually calm person and just “knows” whatever happens was meant to be. She lives by this promise. Whether you have to go through a hurricane to get to the bright sunshine, she trusts with all of her heart that things will always work out. She is a constant reminder of that fact.
It’s so bizarre, because deep in my heart and in this brain of mine, logically I know to create a calm spirit, I need to think like Deb. But, it is just so damn hard sometimes.
And onward, my friends.
The last major interior project I shared with you was the big stairway landing project. And, I mentioned that I was excited to share this room with you.
This picture above was actually taken on the newly remodeled stairway landing looking toward the master bedroom.
Now remember, this house was a very, very, very sad hoarder situation when we bought it. Read about how we acquired this property if you missed it.
It truly makes me so sad to look at these pictures, let alone show them to you, but I don’t think you could appreciate all of the work we did without seeing at least SOME of them.
Closet Area
This HUGE 14′ x 28′ master bedroom had two teeny tiny closets…for two girls. Ya….. that’s not going to work.
We hired the professionals to do the job of removing those two closets and installing a header for a large walk-in closet in the front of the room that includes the large window. And, I didn’t want a door on the closet due to closing off all of that beautiful natural light. This house is so light and bright and I wanted to keep it that way.
So our solution was to install a large barn type sliding door on the outside of this new closet door and take up some of that wall space to the left of the door, but I can’t show you that until tomorrow.
And please take note of the ceiling light in this picture.
Um……… I don’t think so.
I will give you one guess on what type of flooring we installed in the master bedroom.
Give up?
If you guessed the inexpensive pine board flooring that we’ve used in every other room of the house, you win $50,000.
I’m sure you noticed the lighting. I mean how could you not?
Every ceiling light fixture in this house was a BULB. That’s it. The glass globes have long been lost or broken. This master bedroom space had not one, but two ceiling lights. Do you know how hard it is to find two matching antique chandies?
Really hard.
So hard that we installed two different chandeliers in this space. I was a little unsure about that whole idea at first, but I really do love the quirkiness of it all.
And one more thing to ponder over. We incorporated these fabulous original exterior shutters some place in this master bedroom but that will also have to wait for another day.
You know I don’t ever leave you with only a case of the uglies, so I will leave you with this sneak peek.
Thanks so much for stopping by. I pledge all of my love to you.
You would have seen the above picture already on Instagram and Facebook, if you follow. If you don’t, you must
And, Buh Bye now, said in a really loud old lady’s voice, because how else could you say Buh Bye now.
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Wow, those are sad, sad befores. Did you just scoop up the trash? What an amazing transformation. Oh, I like the chandeliers. Very pretty.
Thanks so much. And, basically, yes…We used scoop shovels. The energy of the house was overwhelmingly sad when we first bought it, but feels like a happy house to me now. ????
Love reading your blog, laughing and inspiration all in one. I too think of decorating all the time. My brain doesn’t shut off from it either. It’s like it runs thru our veins!!!! I just did a super fast redo of my front porch using things I already had, splurged and spent $35.00 on new grey carpet.
Thanks, Joyce. I would love to stop by and see your house sometime when you get back from Chicago. I’m still praying for you and the girls.
Love your ideas. I’ll be ready face lift villa after I get surgeries behind me. I’ll have to pick your creative brains. Lol. Your house is amazing!!!
Thanks, Tammy. I hope you are getting better quickly.
What did you stain the floors with? They look beautiful.
Minwax Provincial
[…] you haven’t seen the sad and scary before pictures of the master bedroom, you need to. Also, I shared in that post, what we did in this room as far as flooring, paint, […]
[…] waiting with great anticipation for our master bedroom progress. ???? You can see the full BEFORE post here. It was […]