There is such fun things ahead in your life as you get older… like not having to worry so much about pleasing others, not beating yourself up about the floppage that has settled around your waist, and the fact you can basically do what you want. Most of the time, you have plenty of free time because the kids are gone. ????????
Getting older comes with a few problems, though. As you previously read in my “Menopause – The Shit No One Talks About” post, just getting a good night’s sleep is hard to come by some days. Prescription sleeping pills are handed out quite frequently… I’m speaking from experience, here. ???????? I’ve been a “sleeping-pill-popper” off and on for several years. It’s just so easy to take a pill and fall asleep. BUT, those pills are now linked to Dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease. Which brings me to the reason for this post.
I’m the type that falls asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow. But come 2am, I’m wide awake. Sometimes, I fall back to sleep and sometimes I don’t. If I do, you can bet your last dollar it’s not until 6am. ???? Which makes for a long next day. Deb has the exact opposite sleep problem. She is still awake when I wake up at 2am. It’s so bizarre. I recently mentioned over on my Instagram and Facebook stories that I was discontinuing this habit and was a little stressed out about it.
I heard from so many of you who are in my same boat. And, I received so many different suggestions of what you guys use to get a good night’s rest. So….. I thought I would spread my wealth of information to you.
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Essential Oils and Essential Oil Diffuser – This was the most suggested thing to use for a good nights sleep. I linked this diffuser because it’s actually on my bucket list to own. It is pricey but it plays very soothing music. I mean….. come on now! ???????? Essential oils for sleep include: Lavender, Vetiver, Valerian, Roman Chamomile, etc. The list goes on. Oils can be diffused or applied to the bottoms of your feet. I do this quite often and it actually DOES help!
A White Noise Sound Machine – A white noise machine was suggested by LOTS of you. I personally don’t have one, YET, but did some searching and was drawn to this one. It plays several different types of sounds, including campfires, storms, waves, etc, and it keeps your settings to restore your previous volume. It has a sleep timer between 1-7 hours. It’s smaller and light weight, therefore making it easily portable.
A Good Old Fashioned Fan – This is what we use…. a good old-fashioned fan. We don’t have this particular model YET but this is in my cart, if you know what I’m saying. Fans work as white noise to cancel out any odd sounds, and at the same time cool you down during the wonderful hot flash sessions. Yay!!! ????
Weighted Blanket – If a baby can be swaddled and a dog can have a thunder jacket, why can’t adults and children have a weighted blanket? A weighted blanket was suggested by a few of you. They give you relief from anxiety. Anxiety is really what keeps some people awake all hours of the night. If you don’t have it at the beginning of the night, you will have it by 2am when you haven’t gone to sleep yet. This weighted blanket is 100% cotton and comes in different sizes and weights.
Ear Plugs – This was surprisingly suggested by several of you insomniacs. I heard that wearing earplugs to even tune out the much-needed white noise sound makes them fall right to sleep. Isn’t that hilarious? We need white noise to drown out traffic and regular house noises, but we can’t have too much of it because then we need earplugs. ???? The joys! These reusable silicone earplugs can also do double duty if you have a partner that snores.
Eye Masks – This eye mask not only works to block out any light that may keep you awake, but this particular one is scented with lavender. You can even warm it up. Wouldn’t that be cozy in the Winter months? We all know lavender essential oil is great for sleeping, so therefore, this eye mask kills two birds with one stone.
Remember: We’ve already established in previous posts that I’m NOT a doctor.
So please do your own research when it comes to taking any type of herbs, etc.
Click on the picture for the link.
Natural Products – The above natural sleep aids were, by far, the MOST suggested. I personally haven’t tried any of these YET, except the Magnesium Glycenate. I started taking it about 6 weeks ago and I know someone told me one side effects is that they make you tired. Dead serious. Deb asked me the other day why I started taking them in the first place and I cannot remember. ???? Swear! I have noticed this time of going cold turkey without prescription sleeping pills has been a little easier. I’m thinking the extra Magnesium has something to do with that. Again, do your own research before taking anything orally.
So there you have it! Let me know in the comments if there is anything that you use for a good night’s sleep. I would be happy to add it to my list.
Thanks so much for stopping by! I appreciate more than you will ever know from deep down inside my heart!
Buh bye now, said in an old lady’s voice who was wide awake from 2-5am this morning. Some of these above suggestions will be used tonight! ????
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I think you should get those ear plugs, if you don’t have them. Perfect for the June bug problem!! ????????????
hahahahahah I just busted out laughing. ????
I have that young living diffuser and love it and have been wanting a sound machine, going to have to check that one out.