I recently worked on an area that has not been touched here in our home, believe it or not. Ha. I am one who likes every spot decorated and to look and feel cozy. There are actually a few spaces that haven’t been touched so they will be coming, too. The first one is this […]
Have you been cozying up your outdoor spaces like we have? So far, we got our front porch put together last week after we had our new furniture delivered. Our screened porch was cleaned and refreshed by using a few things from different spaces around our property. We moved the urns that we found at […]
Our porches are in full use. And I can’t tell you how happy that makes me. The weather has been excellent here in Ohio for outdoor living. I briefly mentioned before that normally, we don’t plant annuals and hang ferns until Mother’s Day. But the two week forecast was so good that our flowers have […]
Wow… what a whirlwind that last couple of weeks have been. We have been getting all of our outdoor spaces spruced up for summer. What is so funny is that today is May 10. We have had such great weather here in Ohio this spring that we got everything cleaned and planted a lot sooner […]
Are you in full garden mode yet? We sure are. Gardening and getting our porches ready for sitting. I am thoroughly enjoying being outside. I always say it feels like I broke out of a cage this time of year. The cage being winter. The front porch has been my main focus over the last […]
This post is sponsored by The Home Depot and Collective Voice. If you don’t watch us on social media, you may not even have a clue that we have a back porch. Our back porch is right off of the utility room which is right off the kitchen. It is where we have our grill […]
This post is sponsored by Zulily and Collective Voice. It is porch and patio time!!! We spend so much time on our porches and outdoor spaces whenever the weather warms up. Every waking hour, weather permitting, is spent outside. So I go all out and make our porches look like the inside of our […]
I have been taking advantage of the beautiful weather we are having here in Ohio and working on our porches. Did you see the artificial plants that I used? I shared them a few days back. I am LOVING them so far. It gets pretty cold at night and I haven’t even had to worry […]
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