How to Hide an Ugly Light Above the Kitchen Sink for Free

  1. Cat says:

    Well done. We lived in rentals our first 10 years of marriage and I was always painting, changjng vintage hardware and adding little touches like this. When we left, I would gather up all my vintage hardware and on to the next. It was fun. Love what you girls do!

    • Danelle Harvey says:

      Thanks so much. That is the fun part… knowing you can make something pretty without tons of money.

  2. Beth Bricker says:

    Such a great idea, but I want to hear more about the chandy over the kitchen sink. I want to do this! But I think I have too much lighting going on. I have one can light over stove, chandelier over kitchen table, and ceiling fan in middle of kitchen ceiling. I changed out the can light with an adapter and now have a pendant light there. Thanks for all the great ideas.

  3. Pamela Barnes says:

    Did you put a new kitchen sink in? That is one thing that would gross me out – using the sink that too many have used.

  4. Nancy says:

    Where did the black electric cord I see in the Before picture! Hidden behind the picture behind the sink ? I see white cord meant not plugged in a is that it ? Looks great !

    • Danelle Harvey says:

      After we moved in, the black cord light took a dump. The owner dropped off another ugly light with a white cord. ???? We installed it.. and drilled a hole UNDER the upper cabinet and ran the cord through the cabinets down to the plug.

  5. Janet says:

    Great idea!
    I had under cabinet lighting hard wired/installed . I loved it till I sat down at the table and could see all of it. This gives me lots of ideas to finally solve this problem.
    Love your inspiring ideas!

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