As you all know, we started a health journey in January. We both had so many things we wanted to improve on but felt so overwhelmed by it all. Where should we even start? We decided that there is no rush on any of them. Nothing was life threatening. There were things we just knew that needed to be addressed. And, I wanted to lose the 20 pounds I put on when my thyroid took a dump. ☹️ Taking ONE THING at a time and focusing on it for the entire month seemed way less overwhelming than trying everything at once. So, that is what we did. You can read about every single month’s goal here: January, February, March, April, May, June.
This July post has me very emotional. I have thought over and over what I was going to focus on this month. And, it led to ONE thing, and one thing only.
Every single month, we have done exactly as we said we were going to do. If you follow us over on Instagram, you see that we go to the gym and work out harder than we have every worked out in our lives. We take 5 classes per week resting the other two days. These classes are EXTREME. They are designed to work with weights keeping our heart rates high so we burn lots of calories. I burn anywhere from 350-500 in each class… times 5 days a week.
Our nutrition since January 1 has done a complete turn around. I eliminated all dairy, grains, and gluten because I found out through an online test that I was highly sensitive to them. Which basically means my body stays very inflamed when I eat those items. I dropped 8-10 pounds in a week when I eliminated those things. We drink more water than I can even stand. I love water, but DANG. Some days it’s hard for me to get it all down.
Every 8 weeks, we have an assessment at the gym. We step on this contraption that weighs us and shows us our percentages of fat, muscle, etc. It basically breaks everything down for us to let us know how well we are doing. They are all compared to each other. Your first one is obviously your starting point. Every 8 weeks after that, your trainer compares each one to the previous one to make sure we are making progress. You then evaluate what changes can be made in order to have different results…. added water… added protein…. etc.
I have had three since that very first one in January. After the first 8 weeks, mine showed not much change at all. Everyone else who is working out with us showed several inches lost, several pounds lost, a decrease in over all body fat. I was ALMOST the same, in fact, I may have even gained a few pounds. I remember hearing that it had to be all muscle weight. And that I shouldn’t be discouraged because the next one will show a HUGE difference. You can imagine my disappointment. I KNEW I had been doing everything I was supposed to be doing including weighing and tracking my food, and my macros.
Well…. my next one again showed nothing too exciting. I had lost a few pounds due to the inflammation issue, and a small drop in body fat, but that’s really about it. It was nothing to write home about for as hard as I was trying. Again… everyone in our class is getting results. One guy dropped something insane like 3% body fat in 8 weeks and gained a TON of muscle. Deb consistently gained A SHIT TON of muscles, lost SHIT TON of body fat. She is so lean and strong and healthy. ????
The last few weeks coming up to this last assessment have been a little overwhelming. It is the 6 month mark. I felt so discouraged because I could tell that my results would probably be the same. Have my muscles gotten bigger? That would be a big HELL YES. My legs and arms are stronger than they have every been in my entire life. There are actually definition in my muscles. My saggy old lady butt has actually toned up from 1,000 squats we do per week. ????Overall, I feel strong. EXCEPT….. my old lady floppage around the middle is still unchanged. UNCHANGED. ????
You all may be saying, “Listen lady… you are 153 years old… what do you expect? Everyone has a mid section at this age. Give it up.” And, here is what I say to you. Yes… most everyone does have a middle age spread at our age. BUT… not everyone works out this hard and eats what I do. Not everyone tries their hardest to get their fat to DECREASE… not go away… JUST DECREASE.
Not everyone has a Deb in their house who does all of the healthy cooking. We each do the same workouts. We each eat the same foods. And now you are probably saying, “You two are completely different with different metabolisms.” And we are. We are very different. Deb’s body type is different AND she doesn’t have the thyroid issues that I have. BUT…… Don’t you think I would see SOMETHING? SOME type of results? A few pounds lost? A few inches lost? SOMETHING?
Again this time…. my assessment was NOTHING to write home about. I believe I lost a half inch on my entire body. Deb lost 3 inches around her waist in the last 8 weeks. You have no clue how proud I am of her. You, also, have no clue how sad she is for me. She sees me struggling and working out just as hard, and eating THE SAME foods as she is. With a measly 15-20 pounds to lose, they are NOT BUDGING. She even said, “I don’t know how you can put yourself through this misery to see NOTHING.”
Actually… Why am I going to the gym? I am going because I want results… just like everyone else wants results.
I decided SOMETHING has to be wrong. Either my hormones are all out of whack or my thyroid meds needed increased. Because none of this makes sense. Deb insisted on going with me to the doctor because quite frankly, every professional who I talk to thinks I am closet eating. She wanted to be there as my backup. Like I said above, she does of the cooking. We grocery shop together. So we both can attest to the fact, there is no junk food, processed foods, etc, in our house. We do have a tootsie pop every day but come on… that is a must. (Because I’m 12.) ????
I talked to the nurse at the doctor’s office. She said, “It is absolutely possibly to lose weight during menopause. I am 54 and I’ve lost 60 pounds…. BUT, you need to watch your portion sizes and weigh your food. You may be surprised at how much you are actually eating.” ????
She made me an appointment with the nurse practitioner. I explained about our exercise routines and how healthy we are eating. And that I was seeing NO RESULTS in weight or inches. She said we needed to start with lab testing to make sure everything is ok. And then she offered me the weight loss plan through her office… basically teaching me portion sizes and which foods are good for me. ???????????????????????????????????????? AGAIN…. I felt as though I was getting the whole…… you are stuffing your pie-hole full of trash food when no one is looking….. OR the…. you are eating 10 times the AMOUNT of food than what you think you are.
The labs came back normal. ????
I’m not going to lie. I had a hard time hearing that. My first thought was HOW? How is this even possible? My thyroid levels are supposedly normal (on my meds) and my hormones are all supposedly at normal PERI-MENOPAUSAL levels. No one is ever going to tell me that there isn’t something wrong with SOMETHING. Some level has to be completely off. SOMETHING.
I absolutely REFUSE to believe that this is normal. REFUSE. Let’s look at Deb one more time. She is already through menopause. She is 51. She sees results. There are several other older women in our classes who are also seeing results of inches lost and or weight loss. NOTHING over here. ????????♀️
An ad popped up on Facebook recently regarding women struggling to lose weight. It happened to be a place near to my hometown. It was as though this ad was actually describing me. Per Deb…. “You have done EVERYTHING you can do by yourself. Call them.”
I went to my first appointment this past week. Deb again went with me to the appointment to be my back up. ???? She wanted to let them know that I am NOT LYING…. She knows what I eat. She watches how hard I work out. I sat and explained everything to my girl.
Guess what! My girl BELIEVED ME……….. Oh my gosh. I cannot tell you how happy I was to have someone sitting in front of me telling me that she believed me. I really truly could have cried. She explained that ONE of my hormone levels could be too high or too low and I absolutely WILL NOT lose weight. I can work as hard as I want in the gym and eat a PERFECT diet, and it will not happen. FINALLY…. someone believed me.
I absolutely know NOTHING yet about this program because it was all very overwhelming. The only thing I do know is that they HIGHLY recommended a saliva hormone test to me, which will be done in 3 weeks. It doesn’t give the same information as the doctor’s office blood tests. It has something to do with metabolism. (I think…. ???????????? see… overwhelmed.) They not only test estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone levels, but they check cortisol levels. And LOTS of other things. And, I believe the key may be for me of knowing WHEN to eat and not actually WHAT to eat.
I don’t want to give any more information about the company just yet. Because I want to be sure to really know what I am talking about before I go recommending something to you all. AND I want to make sure it works personally.
Note: If this works for me… then YOU ALL NEED to know about it. And if it doesn’t then you all need to know that, too. BUT, I’m thinking this is the ONE THING that everyone else has missed. It’s not that I don’t drink enough water, or eat enough protein, or eat too much, or too little…. It JUST MAY be that something is really “off”…. We will soon find out. And I will for sure keep you all updated.
I have gotten SO MANY suggestions from people that I wanted to make a list of everything I have tried. Because when I say EVERYTHING, I mean EVERYTHING. ???? What works for some people absolutely does not work for others.
We have been in our home two full years now, so this year we spent…
I haven't shared an antique haul for quite some time. If you like this type…
Our staircase wall molding project was starting this past spring. Deb made up her own…
Well, here we are in the fall and winter months of 2024 and you know…
We made a stop at Target the other day to check out their holiday decor…
We used to do Transformation Tuesday (previously Trashed Tuesday) pieces every single week. And, I…
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Ask your girl about the alcohol. Even one glass of wine per night caused this for a friend of mine. She wasn’t drinking to excess at all - but the daily alcohol was metabolizing like lots of sugar. Maybe that can help? So sorry! How frustrating. Love you two!!
Giving up alcohol from a 30 pack of beer per week and a bottle of wine every night to 1 bottle of wine per week made no change in my weight. I ate 2 boiled eggs for breakfast and a salad for lunch and a healthy low or no carb dinner and nothing. I feel like I’m in the same boat! Very discouraging !!
Yep.... I will never forget. I KNEW IT was alcohol. I decided to "suffer through" everything without it. ???? I LOST NOT ONE POUND. OMG.. .I said, "screw this..... cheers."
Yes!! I am 50 with Hashimotos, so empathise with the thyroid slow metabolism. Recently I looked in to why I can work out and never lose weight. I went to see Dr Libby. I’m in New Zealand and she has written many books. She is an international author with a passion for woman’s health. Google her. She told me it’s to do with cortisol and estrogen dominance too!! It came down to the old flight or fight and even though we think we are relaxing, we are constantly living in a state of stress. The gym is probably more stress for you. A walk in nature might be more suited to you. Thanks for sharing because for a long time I thought I was the grumbling middle age woman. When Dr Libby explained the biochemistry it made sense.
YES! I am so excited to hear the results. I sure hope I don't have to give up the gym because I really do see lots of fun results. BUT, if it is keeping me from losing the extra pounds, I will have to re-evaulate.
I have that too. Where you given any solutions.
Not yet. I am actually going back on Tuesday for a check in. And, then I will be taking that saliva test in a few weeks and going from there. So, I will keep you posted.
I can't wait to hear what this person has to say! I too have tried many diets that are suppose to work. The first one for me was the HCG weight loss plan ($500????????♀️) I lost like 3 lbs in 6wks. Then I did weight watchers a number of times. Lastly, keto where I gained weight!
I know it's my hormones and my chronic pain. I put forty pounds on like over night I swear.
Full disclosure-all I really want to eat is ice cream. There's something that's not right with that!!
hahahahah When I told my girl that I gained 5 pounds in three weeks on keto, she didn't act surprised at all. So, I KNOW there is something going on. I will for sure keep you all posted.
Hope this is the answer you have been seeking. Good luck and please do keep us posted.
Thank you. I sure will.
I feel your pain! It is very discouraging. I look forward to hearing the results.
Thank you. I am excited that someone actually listened and believed me.
I cannot work our and lose weight. I have too much inflammation and working out other than waking/swimming causes my body to be more inflamed. I am celiac.
I truly believe my inflammation is under control. I don't feel swollen anymore and I have eliminated everything that was causing that. I have a feeling this girl is on to something.
Hi Danelle, I as well have had a thyroid issue since giving birth to my now 9 1/2 year old daughter , it has been a struggle since I turned probably 42 to lose weight. I go to the gym 3-4 /week, ride my bike to work 3 days a week and have really adjusted my eating habits. I’ve definitely noticed muscle definition but as you the midsection is my nemesis !!I've had every test and they come back normal ( thyroid levels have been good on a 2.5 dose of synthesis for awhile) I applaud your commitment and hope you find a solution soon!!
Sorry that was synthroid not synthesis ????
Thank you. I will definitely keep you posted. Google estrogen dominance and cortisol levels. They both play a roll in this situation. I have a feeling my girl is on to something.
I understand. I can work really hard at it and have NO results. In fact, one month, I gained a pound. Not that a pound is much to anyone else but when you are trying so hard ANY gain is depressing. My husband can eat a salad one night and lose 2 pounds. I want that for him. I just want it for me too!!! Hope you find answers. I definitely believe you.
I know. I really will never believe that it has to be this way. I KNOW what I am doing. I know I should see SOMETHING happening. And I refuse to give up.
Well, I commend you for sticking through all this with little result. My problem is I don’t want to give up the things I like to eat in order to lose weight. When I think about having to do it, it pisses me off and is depressing. I used to work out, walk 5 miles a day and lose 5 lbs a week. That was when I was in my 20’s to 40’s. 50-65 I’ve gained and it’s so hard bc at my age the amount of calories I’m supposed to have now isn’t enough to live on. Lol! Aging sucks. Genetics suck. Dieting sucks. So again I say I commend you for working so hard and sticking with it. I hope this new plan does the trick. Maybe it’s the light ???? we all need.
Thank you. And, I sure hope so too. Giving up the food hasn't been that difficult because I HAD to. If I eat a tiny bit of gluten, my eyes swell up like someone punched me. My body is so used to being without it now, I have no desire to eat it again. But I totally understand.
I can’t wait to hear...I just turned 56 (through menopause) and feel EXACTLY the same way....can work out~ eat clean and nothing! (In fact I gained weight too)! Thank you.! Can’t wait to hear what you learn....I get depressed and then want to give up.
Trust me... me too.... I cried so many times this week over my assessment and my lab test results. It is just so frustrating. It would be one thing if I weren't trying. But all of the trying in the world is getting me nowhere. I refuse to give up.
I am right with you sista! I am 56 and havehave about 30 pounds to lose. I have hired a health coach, eating very clean, and now exercising 5 days a week. RESULTS: . NOTHING in 3 fricking weeks. I am on a hormone compound cream and they check my estrogen, progesterone, testosterone levels yearly and I am past due for that... so I have made that appt. It had better come back with why I am seeing no results or I just may have to throat punch somebody. So frustrating! You are not alone! Misery loves company.
hahahahahah trust me.... It is ridiculous. This place actually said that my doctor won't catch these problems with the way they test the hormones. They just verify all of my hormones are at normal levels. This place does it through saliva which shows LOTS of different things.... such as the differences BETWEEN the hormone levels. They may be in normal range, but if one is at the highest part of normal, and one is at the lowest part of normal, they may be working against each other. At least that is what I'm thinking she said. hahaha I was very confused when I left that place. So, I am anxious to hear. I told Deb the SAME THING... By God if this all comes back normal, I freaking give up. She said, "Oh no you don't. We will go on to the next person... whoever in the hell that may be."