A Simple Fall Mantel with pumpkins

Fall Decor

A Very Simple Fireplace Mantel Look for Fall

We have been wrapping up several outside projects that are on our list:  the garden pergola, the garden itself, the chicken coop, the paths and steps to the garden, the back steps, and so much more.  And, as much I love working outside, I’ve really been itching to get inside to start my fall decor.  […]

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Grand Entrance to Our garden

All Things Outside

A Grand Entrance to Our Garden

We are in full fledged end-of-summer mode around here. The garden is doing fairly well for just getting it planted mid-June.  We have enough tomatoes right now to have 1-2 for every meal including breakfast.  But, I have a feeling in about 2 weeks or so, we will have an overabundance of them and have […]

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Antique trellis idea for garden or flower beds - Deb and Danelle

Home Tour

Antique Trellis Idea

Are you up to date on the garden and chicken coop progress?  If you watch social media stories, you may be.  But if you aren’t, you have a lot to catch up on.  Make sure to check out all chicken coop related posts and the garden posts.  We have been working as much as we […]

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Facebook Marketplace find - columns for garden entrance

All Things Outside

Facebook Marketplace Find for the Garden

  We have been working on our chicken coop and our vegetable garden pretty much non-stop for the last month.  We really got a lot done over the 4th of July weekend.  It’s when we usually do a huge project since we normally have that time off from any work.  We thought we had the […]

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In-feed Inspiration

In-Feed Inspiration: Guest Room

With Summer in full swing here in Ohio, we have been spending most of our time outdoors: creating our garden area, landscaping, building the chicken coop and run, and really… just all the things!! But on days when the weather just won’t cooperate and we are forced indoors, I have been making plans for our […]

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Back Steps to the Garden - Deb and Danelle

All Things Outside

The Back Steps in the Garden

Did you see that we added some steps to the entrance of our vegetable garden?  We used some old concrete that we got last year from a neighbor.  It creates the base for a perfect “grand entrance” that we have in mind to our garden.  I know some of you are probably thinking..what in the […]

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The Steps to Our Vegetable Garden

Home Tour

The Steps to Our Vegetable Garden

  Oh my gosh, have we been working hard.  You know that we are running around like mad women trying to get our garden finished.  Well, I can safely say that as of this afternoon, everything will finally be planted.  Yay!  We got a few of our raised beds in this space last week and […]

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Picket fence around vegetable garden- Deb and Danelle

Home Tour

Our Picket Fence around the Garden

We have been working so dang hard on our picket fence around the garden.  I wanted to give you all an update of how far into this project we are.  And, also I wanted to share how it’s turning out.   First off.. have I ever told you about the very first fence that we […]

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