If you have been around for any length of time, you know both Deb and I struggle a lot with the Winter months. Me, probably more so. I dread the Daylight Savings Time situation. When we have to turn our clocks back in the fall, we both walk around in a constant state of confusion for several weeks. During the winter months, the days are so short, and the darkness really gets to me. Almost every night, one of us will say, “Are you ready for bed?” And it’s 5pm. ???? The early darkness makes for LONG evenings. Not to mention, it’s SO COLD. We have made it a goal of ours this year to get outside more in December, January, and February. Those are the main months that we want to hibernate inside and wait until spring, due to the darkness AND the cold temps. Simply spending time outdoors is something BOTH of us need. We have lots of plans for our new property this winter, including cleaning up the woods and burning all of the fallen brush. What a better time to do those things.
Deb and I recently grabbed a few items from Backcountry to help us stick to our goals. Backcountry is a premium outdoor and lifestyle retailer that carries the best outdoor brands. They are our favorite place to shop for our outdoor gear. I shared our Fall Favorites from Backcountry several weeks ago and several other items last month.
Coat / Hat / Gloves / Pants / Shoes
Did you know that spending time in nature is essential for your health?
We have no clue when we will be moving to our country house, but in the meantime, we will be spending lots of time walking the trails here in our small town. We have a great trail that runs down by the river. It’s paved so it’s easy walking. Ivy absolutely loves it back there, too.
Just being out in nature makes me feel relaxed. There are several studies that show spending just 20 minutes a day outdoors reduces anxiety, anger, and stress. This year more than ever, we all need a little less anxiety, anger, and stress!
They are having a post Cyber Sale on some great items. Sale runs from through December 8, 2020.
We may earn a small commission when you use one of our links to make a purchase.
Just found you guys. Love your style, creativity and determination. I am newly single and itching to bring my DIY skills to the next level. You are my inspiration. Wish I lived closer. Anyway, thank you and I wish you a warm, lovely and safe holiday season.
This pictures are beautiful! Great job!!! This is definitely a hard time for many????. The clothes are really cute and look super warm❤️