Remember when I shared my haul with you from the 127 Yard Sales? We found so many great things. I always say that I will share what I end up doing with the pieces, and since we aren’t in the house yet, a lot of items are being stored…. aka setting behind a piece of furniture here in the cottage. There was one thing that I grabbed from the yard sales that I just had to display now. Because I love it and couldn’t wait.
And, that was a decorative wood piece off of a piece of antique furniture and it was only $5.
Here is what I did with my $5 yard sale find.
I can’t remember if I told you the story of this piece in the last post. But I saw it laying on the ground at one of the first yard sales we stopped at. And it had a sign on it marked $5. My eyes got huge and Deb wrinkled her nose. She said she wasn’t a fond lover of it. I was dumfounded.. not only because of the $5 price tag, but because she hated it. She said she didn’t like the big shelf looking thing on the top. It’s actually what I loved about it.
I picked it up and examined it for a few minutes. And the first thing I thought of doing with it was hanging it above the door way in the entryway of our new house. Since Deb didn’t really like it, I put it back down and walked away. I went back over to it and looked at it again… and walked away. As I was walking away from the sale, I turned back around and went and bought it. And I’m so dang glad I did.
Over the last couple of weeks, I kept seeing it in the cottage being “stored” and I asked Deb to hang it now, so that I could enjoy it. This is above the back doorway going out to our deck and I LOVE the way it looks. It will be moved to the new house once that is finished.
I thing it gives the doorway some great interest and warms the area up a bit with all of the white. And, of course, it sticks with my woods and whites theme that I love so much. FYI… I have a few more of these in our storage unit that I have different plans for so stay tuned for that. I will, of course share on social media and here on my website as well.
What do you think of my $5 find? What would you have done with it? Is it something you would have bought for $5?
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I love it. I have a couple of antique wood pieces from furniture that I’ve carted around the country every time I’ve moved and still love them and have them in my apartment now.
I love that piece over your back door. I would have scooped it up so fast if I had seen it! $5? Throw it out if you don’t like it once home for that price! 🤣 (of course I never would have thrown it out hahahah
I really like the wooden piece, that is the perfect place for it.
It’s elegant!! It makes that whole area pop!! I sometimes think Deb says she doesn’t like something you love just to tease you!! Can’t wait to see it in the new abode.
I love it!!!!
$5 and gorgeous how can you lose. Your decorating style is so calming and vibrant at the same time. I am also a lover of white and woods and although over the years I have tried to add other colors, I find myself back to white. I can’t wait to see your cottage complete.
OH MY GOSH!!!!! I love, love this piece! And only $5. So glad you didn’t pass it up! I bet you’ll find other places you could use it too. Congratulations are a great find.
I LOVE it!!! It’s just the right piece for above a door! I definitely would have bought it, too! Great find! 😊✋🏻
I really like that piece above you entry door! I enjoy getting inspired by watching you on TikTok and reading about all your cool finds! Thank for the inspiration!