If you have been around for any length of time, you know we have been blabbing about building a house in the woods for a long time. I received a text a few weeks back from the girls who bought our old house. It said:
Yes… it’s been an entire year since we announced the sale of the House on Winchester. Can you believe it? I can. ???? We are so grateful for the rental house, but Deb and I need our OWN space. We both love projects and have done all that we can at the rental house that doesn’t cost us money. Or I should say LITTLE money. The backyard got an inexpensive makeover. We replaced the front porch columns for a month’s rent. And, we added a shelf above the washer and dryer in the laundry room. It’s time to move on.
In the beginning of this journey, we said we were going to build Deb’s workshop and live in that for awhile. We thought it would be a great idea just to get us out here on our land so that we could clean up the fallen trees and brush. And just get a feel of this woods so that we could plan the layout of the yard, etc. Building a house in the woods takes a lot of work!
Earlier this year, we switched gears. We already had a place to stay at the rental, so we may as well put all of our focus on building the house. We started working with our architect planning all of the details. It was a very simple process since we knew pretty much what we wanted. Things were moving right along.
We met with basement boy, septic boy, driveway boy and all of the other boys you need to talk to when building a house.
We were so excited to get our house started around the beginning of the Summer. And then… February – March, 2020, the dreaded Covid-19 hit the US and every decision we had made thus far was questioned.
Is this even a good time for us to build?
What’s going to happen to the economy?
What happens if we get this house started and everything shuts down?
Will it cost us more to build a house now?
After spinning all of these questions around in our heads for WEEKS, we decided to hold off building ANYTHING. The decision was a rough one, but we felt so comfortable with it. We have a place to stay very inexpensively at the rental.
Several more months went by…. things weren’t looking as scary as they did earlier in 2020. We both said…..
We resumed all of the plans on the new house. We contacted all of the boys. The rest of the trees were removed where the house would be and the driveway was put in for the concrete trucks to get in and out of the property. We ordered the blueprints and pulled some of the permits we needed to get this project started soon.
Then….. this new buzz started going around regarding the price of construction materials. And, how the price of lumber is skyrocketing because of a shortage. I not only heard it from some of our contractors, but also from lots of people over on Instagram who were also in the midst of building a home. One of our girls who works in the construction business said that lumber prices have raised 60% over the last couple of months. Let’s just pretend (because easy math ???? ) that a house last year had $100,000 worth of lumber. It would cost $160,000 this year. That’s a HUGE difference on lumber alone.
Lots of you know this and some of you don’t. We are planning on having our house built up to the drywall and then finishing it all ourselves…. painting, flooring, lighting, kitchen, baths, etc….. which means cash out of pocket.
We started asking ourselves ALL THE QUESTIONS again.
If lumber raised 60%, how much did everything else raise?
What’s going to happen after the election?
Will the prices raise more DURING the construction of our house?
What if we start this house and can’t finish it due to a shortage of lumber?
Can you imagine getting this house half-done and not having the money to finish it because of the higher prices?
What if all of our money is wrapped up in a house that we can’t finish?
We are both risk-takers at heart and have never been wishy-washy when it comes to decision making about houses. We flipped our first and second houses in 2008, during the housing market crisis. And did quite well on both of them. We always follow our guts. If a decision feels right deep down in our souls, we go with it… no matter how many people think we crazy.
Deb and I had a million conversations, not only with each other but with SO MANY people…. family, friends, financial boy, etc. I had lots of discussions over on Instagram with people who are in the middle of building and they themselves are feeling very afraid. I also had discussions with people who said there is a shortage of lumber and they are terrified their own home building progress will come to a screeching halt.
Remember…. we need out of the rental and into our own space.
After a long evening of discussions a few weeks ago… and after a few cocktails, we made a decision. We both said we wanted to sleep on it and see how we felt in the morning.
The thing that makes THE MOST sense to us at this time….during this crazy Pandemic, is our original decision of building our barn (aka Deb’s workshop) first. And living in that until the world calms down.
Will the building cost more than it would have last year due to the rising lumber prices? YES! More than likely, the cost will be doubled than it would have been last year. But this decision makes the most sense to us. It will give us our own space, for a fraction of our money, and get us out here on our property which is where our hearts are. And, it will allow us to do all of the projects we have in mind…. the old lady swing set, the tree house, etc.
We obviously need to make this building function like a house temporarily, but have it easily convert it to a workshop when we get the house done. We have so many ideas to accomplish this task and know you will love seeing what we have in mind for this building. I will be sharing the entire process with you all. And I will be sharing the layout and design and all of the ideas we have come up with later this week.
We may earn a small commission when you use one of our links to make a purchase.
I’m so sorry y’all are having to switch gears but it sounds like the right decision for how things are looking right now. I have no doubt that it will be the most beautiful workshop ever built!
Thank you! Deb will have one of the best looking workshops around. LOL
Happy you have come to a sort of peace over next steps and that you are being realistic about things in these uncertain times. Things happen for reasons beyond our control and all of us are trying to figure out the reasons for this shitty year! I can’t wait to watch your progress and wish you the best of luck!!
Thanks so much! Honestly, we are so at peace about it. These are very scary times.
Listen to the calm in your soul! Our deck desperately needs replaced but we pushed it to next year due to lumber cost. Our contractor told us the demand for labor is so high he had to raise that as well until this slows down.
I know it… We have had contractors give us bids that are TWICE what they should be because they really don’t want the work right now. It’s all so insane.
I know it’s not the original plan, but I’m
still excited about following this new journey!!
Thank you. We are so excited to do this. Because we feel calm about this decision and because Deb is going to have the best looking workshop around. ????
I know it wasn’t what you both had planned, but I’m so happy for you. You’re at peace with the decision and that’s what matters! Take your time, make your decisions and be happy! I just can’t wait to see this killer workshop/ living space!! Because I know it’s gonna be amazing!! ???????????????? Sending you both lots of good vibes and love!

I have heard from some people in the lumber business that they are hoping to be back to normal (what ever that is) by October. I guess we will see but you need to do what is right for you! Can’t wait to herd the plans.
I think it’s wise for all but the most wealthy to forward with plans that involve fluctuating prices for materials. Election years are always tough on the markets, and this year is no different… add in covid, the D plan for higher taxes, shutting down fossil fuel, etc, and the future is an unknown scary place. I got through phase 1 of a garden oroject, and I’m holding off on phase 2…. much less building a house! You’ll be happy in your own space and perfecting the property while you wait for the right time. You gotta do what lets you sleep at night! All the best!
Thank you. You said exactly how we’ve been feeling. I am way too old to worry about money stuff. We did that in our 30s… I’m over it.
This is bittersweet, but understandable. I am so happy that your choice still brings you happiness. Standing by for the continued progress, and to see what your creativity brings. You ladies are awesome!
Thanks so much! I’m so excited to get this show on the road.
Thank you for sharing!
Building the shop and living there first is AN EXCELLENT IDEA!!!!
It will be fun for you and Deb to get the shop started and you can do your special touches in the living area. It will all turn out so nice and EVERYTHING WILL BE OKAY!

Thank you so much. It was a decision we didn’t take lightly, but seriously… I cannot believe this world today.
I think this is a very wise decision. I know you both love being in the woods so much and this is the easiest and most economical way to get there ASAP. Plus, we get to see how you decorate the (temporary) house/workshop which is going to be SO FUN!! Perhaps you can bring a POD to the woods as well and store everything in your storage unit – that might be less expensive than renting the storage unit. Looking forward to following along on this newer journey!
Thanks so much. We are very excited. They should be able to be starting in the next couple of months. And, it takes little time to put up a barn.
I’m shocked to hear about the shortage of construction materials and think you all are going about this the right way – what feels most comfortable. I am actually excited for you doing the barn workshop as that is exactly what my husband and I are looking at doing next spring as well. Best of luck!!!
Have you looked at metal buildings? We are so intrigued by the Barndominium style out there! Looking forward to watching your buildout and design!
Yes… that’s what we are doing. We are having a metal barn put up with a porch. It will have big windows and basically look like a house but it will have an open floor plan… So that it can easily be turned into a workshop once the house is built.
You’re just back to your original plan. ???? It seems the way to go and you both are at peace with it. Happy Workshop building! I can’t wait to watch your dreams become a reality.
I know how hard it must be to hold off on your house right now. I also know from following y’all for quite a while now, that you listen to your heart and you know what is right for you. I can’t wait to follow along as you build and decorate the workshop. Best of luck!!
I hate that y’all having to put off building your home, BUT after following you for some time now, I know that you go with what you know is true for you and best for you. I can’t wait to see Deb’s beautiful workshop! Best of luck to y’all. This has been a batshit crazy year for us all.
haha OMG seriously… It has been absolutely insane. I don’t think any of us know if we are coming or going half of the time. Thank you! We are very excited about this next journey of ours.
I think that is smart! You wont have to worry as much that barn will be adorable plus you have the camper!!!! And your land!!!! And lots of stress relieved for now????
Thanks so much! And, that’s how we feel… no worries.
Hooray for you two!!! Just the right amount of daring in your decision, and that you’ll be living in those beautiful woods is perfection! Staying in the rental would seem like you were giving up on at least part of your dream. I for one will be cheering you on from the peanut gallery. You go, girls!!!????????????????
THANK YOU! I cannot tell you how much I appreciate this. And that’s exactly how we feel. Living in the rental feels like we are giving up.
God bless you both and how perfect to start the workshop first as you will need to use it every step of the way to build your forever home together!!!
Thanks so much! We are so excited about it!
This was the most anxiety ridden post I’ve ever read! I’m going to need a cocktail now ???? I absolutely adore you both and I’m always on the edge of my seat watching what you’ll do next. This whole process is very exciting. I’m so happy you will at least get out on the property and Deb will have her workshop. I’m so enjoying this ride with you both! Much Love!
hahahahahha trust me… the anxiety was getting pretty real with us too… as we were talking to everyone going through this now. Thanks so much for the kinds words. We are so excited for this next adventure.
Such a good choice. Daily and I mean daily prices of lumber change. Our lumberyard has been waiting for treated lumber for weeks. As so as it comes in it is gone to our builders who are waiting for it. Nails, lock sets and anything from China is back ordered indefinitely. We just got word today that on of the vinyl window plants is 17 weeks out. That’s just crazy. Pella windows still has a reasonable timeframe. I worry that this will kill our business but so far June, July and August have been record breaking with no signs of slowing down. Can’t wait to see your workshop build!
THESE are the exact things we are hearing. Which scares the crap right out of us. We absolutely do not want to get into the middle of this project and it gets stopped for months.
Always trust your instincts. I’m excited to see what comes next for you two!????
My cousin and her husband built their shed/barn and lived in their camper inside of the shed until their house was built. It’s such a weird time right now that I think you are making the right decision! I can’t wait to see the process.
Thank you! and I’ve heard of this concept. We cannot imagine living in our camper as it’s SUCH TIGHT QUARTERS.
I always say, “go with your gut”!!
You’re doing exactly that. I think you’ll be happy you did and all will work out great.
I’m so excited to see everything come to life in this journey.
Y’all have given me so many laughs and great info in just the short time I’ve been following. I wish you nothing but the best!!! ????????????????????????????
Awwww… thank you so much! I really appreciate the kind words.
Like everyone else, I feel for you guys but I think you are very wise to strike this balance. I’m rooting for you and every bit as interesting as I was before…more so even because it will be fascinating to watch both of you using your talent and skills to adapt to the new circumstances. Still ..I’m sorry you have had to go through so much turmoil .
Such a wise decision even tho I realize it must have been hard. I am looking forward to watching your progress and living thru you. Lol. I would build again in a heartbeat but our next one will be on the small side. Can’t wait for you to get started. Best of luck!
Thanks so much! We are so excited for this adventure.
Thank you! We are so excited for this adventure.
I think you made the best decision. You are following your gut and that has never failed you. Can’t wait for the fun to begin!!!
Thank you! I totally agree. If we follow our guts, things always work out.
That sounds like a wonderful plan. Congratulations ! Isn’t it amazing how your original plan has come full circle? Your hearts must be lighter. You girls are so inspirational and I love you share exactly how you make the choices you do. Thanks and best of luck! Can’t wait to follow along.
Thank you! YES! I literally told Deb once again that we must watch what we speak into the world. We spoke that last year and here we are doing that exact same thing.
You made the right decision for what’s happening in our mad, mad, mad, mad world. ( remember that movie?). I’m anxious to see what you girls have up your sleeve. You are my entertainment every evening! I’m a Buckeye also.
haha YAY! LOVE BUCKEYES! And thank you!
It sounds like the best idea and you will be on your land!!!! Can’t wait to follow you along on this new journey. Fantastic ????
Thanks so much! We are so excited for this decision.
I’m sad! Fucking Pandemic has made decisions for you, it seems. If I’ve learned anything about you both, is that your plans
always make sense at the end of the day. Your forever home will come to fruition, just not this Christmas. In the meantime, we all look forward to whatever you create. Always interesting, creative, funny as hell and enjoyable! Carry on
Thanks so much! And Yes… dumb covid. It seems to never end.
I got a knot in my stomach just reading about all the issues that could go wrong if you proceeded to build right now. I feel certain that you’re being very wise to build the workshop first. If you can get it up before the snow hits it will be a beautiful winter for you in those woods among the trees. You certainly have enough wood to burn for warmth.???? I know it will be beautiful and unique and cozy and perfect for you both. (And sweet Ivy) i will be with you every day cheering you on. Big huugggss from NE Ohio.
Thank you so much! We feel so at ease with out decisions!
Danelle, you’re always saying you believe things happen for a reason, and this is several thousand $$$ reasons!! Deb’s barn will, no doubt, be the most amazing space for you girls to keep all your creative juices flowing, and your fans and followers on the edge of our seats waiting to see what you two do next!! C’est la vie!!
Thank you so much for this! I ALWAYS say that things happen for a reason. We have a bunch of reasons in our minds of WHY this may be happening… so stay tuned for that also.
I’m a huge proponent of having a deep sense of peace about big decisions. Smart ladies! Looking forward to watching the ongoing adventures of Deb and Danelle! Y’all make my day!
Thanks so much for this.. We are the same way. If we don’t feel comfortable, we just can’t do it!
Smart – very smart……..
I think that’s a very wise decision!! It will be fun watching you build Debs workshop & making it your temporary home. It will be cute too.
Looking forward to following the process. Best wishes.
You had me worried the whole time I was reading that!! I was so afraid you were going to say y’all had decided NOT to build anything and stay in the rental!! I think with everything going on in this crazy world right now… GO FOR IT!!! You only live once and who knows what tomorrow holds!! I will follow your journey and I’m excited for you!????????
“Barndominiums”. This is the rage in the Texas Hill Country. Every body wants to retire and live in one! A little acreage and a goat…
A dream come true!!
Ah that peace that passes understanding is sweet! I seriously worried about all the “influencers” like you guys who make somewhat of a living during the pandemic when it was really hard to get excited about decor, clothing or makeup! I think it’s wise and discerning to pause while the world settles down. And besides, you have a couple of options. The camper. The storage unit. Seriously, rest in your decision. You’ll know when the time is right.
Thank you! I agree. I feel so much peace about this decision. I know it’s the right one.
Funny…we make decisions the same way. If there’s peace in my heart after much thought and contemplation, I run with it! Think you’re making the right moves here. Cheers to a calmer 2021!
YES… It’s the way we have found works very well for us. I watch lots of people FORCE THINGS and it never turns out to be right. I feel deep in my soul this is right for us.
I think you two are soooo smart to have made this decision! With the wild fires in California, the lumber prices will go even higher as those folks re-build. Add all the other shit on top of it from this year and you gotta whole lot of worry and stress! I think both your gut feelings in tune with each others and it is nice that you are both on the same wave link! This way you do it in stages and can be comfortable about your choices that are well thought out as your decisions always seem to be. It will happen in time, so enjoy this trip and take your time to make it wonderful as I am sure it will be! You two can make a shit house look pretty! Now about the smell! LOL You say your place smells like pooo, but we know better!
hahahah thank you! These are very scary times we are living in. Add a crazy election year and you never know what will happen. I’m not political at all but I always get very scared during election years.
I think y’all made a very very wise decision.. I have a very good friend that’s has been a supervisor with a building material Co for many years.. he said lumber has doubled in price and there’s also a shortage.. the company he works for are only selling lumber to the contractors that do business with them now due to the shortage.. he said if things don’t change it’s going to be where you can’t even get lumber and other items needed to build a house..
Yes… and I didn’t mention that contractors are SO BUSY they don’t want the work. Some of them have doubled their fees because if we are going to pay it, they will squeeze us in. ????
If one thing that 2020 has taught us is the importance of focusing on what matters most. Being with the one you love in the place you love is a gift… the rest can come with time. The only constant is change. You got this ladies!
THANK YOU…. And I completely agree. As long as I’m surrounded with my people, everything will fall into place.
I think this is a very wise desicion, the whole world is crazy right now so its good to have some patience. Im sure you’lle be safe and happy in your barn ????
Thanks… it is REALLY CRAZY!
I can’t wait to follow along????
We are SO EXCITED. We are at peace with this decision and see it as another fun adventure.
I think this is definitely the right decision for both of you and I’m SO excited to see how this all comes together!! It’s going to be amazing! Best wishes for a problem free build!
Thank you so much! I really appreciate it.
Good morning! As I read through comments from your friends, I agree with all!
So many things to consider with building a new home and with such crazy
circumstances I believe you are moving forward with your dreams, just in a
different way. I am so excited to follow along! You already have what really matters,
Each other and sweet Ivy!
Thank you! It is really such a scary time. I always get nervous on election years.. afraid of the unknown.
I think you are smart to do this. My parents built a house on some family land that she inherited. They needed a place to live while building the house so they built a small barn with an apartment over it. Now it’s the guest quarters but they say they were never so happy than when living in that barn.
We are both so excited about this.
Perfect decision! Love how you two are a such a good team! Best of luck with all your plans! This workshop/living space will totally rock no doubt!
Thanks… we are so excited.
Brilliant idea! Love the way you two brainstorm and adjust to circumstances outside of your control. I’m envisioning an amazing workshop for Deb with a guesthouse “addition”. Will be amazing no matter! Best wishes to you both! XOXO
Thanks so much! We are SO EXCITED ABOUT THIS adventure.
You’re very intelligent women and I think y’all have made the right decision. I’ll be watching as your dream begins to unfold. However, I’m not understanding a lumber shortage. Here in Arkansas I often see trucks filled with trees and land around us being cleared. I’ll read up on it and get educated. Take care and kiss Ivy for me. ????
Thank you. I have heard this from other people, too. BUT, everywhere we go we hear the same thing. We heard from an amish lumberyard that some of it went up 100%.
You two are just awesome!!!!!! You are great role models for us all, always positive , so,so talented and amazing human beings! Wishing you all the best for your barn/workshop/ house????????????
Thank you so much! I really appreciate it!
Good plan, going with your gut is always the right call. Love you two, have a question! When you are in the car videoing are you really driving? Holy crap!
hahah thanks… and no. IG films everything in mirror image and reverse.
Great decision!!! I look forward to watching your progress on the workshop,land, and future house.. So fun to watch you make magic out of items that others saw no use in!
Thank you! We are very excited about this upcoming project.
I am sooo excited to watch what you two come up with!!!! I know many people who have a shouse (Morton shed or Morton type of shed) as their home. I know I’m going to love it!!!
Thanks… we have lots of fun ideas!
Have you thought of doing a metal building?
Yes… They aren’t as sturdy as stick built.
I’m so happy you are going ahead with getting a livable space on Your property. Can’t wait to see the progress. I think it will be amazing!
Thank you! We’re excited, too.
Love it. If it doesn’t feel right it’s not. In time you’ll get exactly what y’all are wanting.
Thanks… we are so excited.
I love that you guys are so supportive of each other, and focus on your own needs and wants, and are—seemingly—on the same page! I love going through the process with you! I can live my dream vicariously! LOL
hahah Awww thank you! We are so excited about this adventure.
What a time to be alive!???? I think you gals made the right decision, you will be settled on your property and know when it’s the right time to start again! I will keep you on my prayers for all your building and deciding making, it’s hard but you can do it! We love you guys and can’t wait to follow along!! Xoxo Brooke
Thank you so much! I appreciate it!
[…] Our rental has been feeling very stale. I explained our feelings in a post when I shared about the update on the house. And, let’s face it, if The Woods and Ivy Cottage would start being built […]
[…] in our home decor. She needs her workshop STAT. ???? If you missed that news, we announced what our plans are for the new property and we named it The Woods and Ivy Cottage. Which makes me so happy! Anyway, […]
It is so much fun to follow you both on this Journey!
I know Ivy will be a happy Camper when she is free to run around the woods!
So EXCITED for all three of ya!
[…] shown you progress. There hasn’t been MUCH progress but there is some. We decided not to build our home because of what Covid did to the lumber prices, availability, etc. So, we decided to build […]