How to Make New Wood Look Old using Paint and Stain

  1. Janie Caudill says:

    You make everything look so easy You and Deb have made a beautiful home for you to enjoy, thanks for sharing with everyone

  2. Michelle says:

    I love this cubby and the finish. I have just the place for it if you ever decide to part with it. I have to say I absolutely love your house. It is beautiful. What you and Deb have done with it is amazing. Love it and your stories. You crack me up. Thank you for sharing.

  3. You did a great job. It looks lovely. Thanks for sharing this post.

  4. Jessica says:

    Okay, I have a stupid question. What do you mean by “semi dry”. Do you wet your brush with a little water and then dip in paint? I just want to make sure I understand! I want to try this on a small piece.

    I love you guys!

  5. […] I use some of the same techniques but not quite like she does, and if you are interested, I wrote about it a few years ago.  Here is how Deb makes new wood look […]

  6. Tina says:

    So cool! Love this technique for the finish and the cubby turned out awesome!!
    Can’t wait to try this paint trick on one of my projects.
    Thanks so much!!

  7. […] items.  We age new wood with paint and stain.  I wrote a few posts about that process here and here if you want to check it out.  We used white paint for those pieces.  However, I wanted the […]

  8. film izle says:

    I value the article post.Thanks Again. Keep writing. Sean Heading

  9. […] a piece look distressed.  I have a few posts on that technique, if interested.  They are here and here.  It’s so […]

  10. […] techniques to paint items and make them look old.  I have shared them a few times:  How to Make New Wood Look Old and Quick Paint Technique.  This is what she did on this little wooden cake stand.  It is […]

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