Did you know we are working on getting our bedroom put together? Ha! I’ve shared so many different posts on it, like this leaded glass window and this cozy corner. It is the one room that we couldn’t wait to complete. While we don’t spend a ton of time in here, it’s important for it […]
DO NOT PANIC! This is not a permanent situation here in the kitchen. Let me give you a backstory. When we visited my sister in North Carolina for Thanksgiving, I found these gorgeous columns. (See my entire antique haul here.) My first reaction was how cool they would be on our kitchen island. I had […]
As you know, we have been working on organizing and decorating our bedroom. I’ve said this a million times, I know. But it’s been so much better for me focusing on putting together one room at a time. And, then taking each room and dividing it into sections. My ADD brain has been a lot […]
It has been so much easier for me to focus on one room at a time with this move. And, I have mentioned several times that we are now working on getting our bedroom put together. When I say “put together,” I mean decorated and organized. When we moved in December, we plopped our bed […]
I shared a post about our range hood in the cottage a few years back. That range hood is by ZLINE. And we love it. It has such a unique look and matches our decor so well. When we were in the planning stages of this house, we gravitated toward ZLINE products again. Because why […]
Ever since we started working with the architect to design our new home, I was planning what large cabinets would go where. I had everything pretty much figured out. There was one wall in question. And, that is the long expansive wall in the dining room. It is 12′ long. We have a few large […]
I’ve already told you that the next room we are putting together is our bedroom. My goal for our bedroom is for it to feel warm and cozy. And, I want it to blend with the rest of the house, so that means warm colors with woods and whites. I have had a large rug […]
It never fails… any time I share our unlacquered brass kitchen faucets on social media, I get lots of questions. It looks very old and worn. And since this is a new home, I think it catches people’s attention. I wanted to share our kitchen faucets today but I wanted to share a little […]
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