Large Columns on the Kitchen Island

  1. Shanna says:

    I love them. I know it’s your decision in the end and what makes you happy but have you considered stripping them and staining them to match the other wood tones in your kitchen. They sorta get list being white with the white cabinets and counters. Just a thought. They are beautiful either white or stripped and stained though.

  2. Diana says:

    Way to go girl !!!

  3. Anonymous says:

    Love it and the philosophy. Your house your rules

  4. Moira says:

    I love them – and love the way you think!

  5. Jeanne says:

    I love the drama touch that they add! Once you have the header & footer on them, they will be that much more ‘extra’ and perfect for your home! I will be surprised if you decide not to use them on the counter, but know that you will find another fabulous place for them in your home… win, win 🙂

  6. Evelyn L. Fear says:

    I love them!!!! But, was thinking the same thing as someone else above that the white doesn’t show up as well, as they would if they were darker.
    I just honestly LOVE most everything about your new home, and the type of things you are using in it; it is just SUPER COZY and HOMEY. I think your taste and mine is quite similar.

  7. Diane Corsaro says:

    I love them, I like lots of stuff also

  8. Rosilyn Upton says:

    I was a decorator for 32 years, and always told my clients that I could tell them what was decoratively correct but I couldn’t tell them what they like. When you arrive home at the end of the day, you should be able to sigh and say “I’m so glad we did this.” Looks like you are well on your way to being able to do this. I think the columns as they are look good. They add grounding and definition to the room, like a period at the end of a sentence, and the distressing contrasts well with the sleek white finish of the cabinets and add texture. Stripping and staining them might make everything look just a bit too “precious” and manufactured. Go with your heart. It’s YOUR house. I love following your adventures.

  9. G says:

    I could not agree more with you about waiting a bit when not sure. Normally with me I just know but there have been a few occasions that I wait! I like this idea because otherwise there are holes in the wall or something has been altered and there’s the gut feeling I should have waited. I am doing this right now on some wall candle holders…oh the perils of decorating!!! My mother used to call it a curse..but the curse is worth the trouble to get that warm and comfy feeling when you walk in a room!!!

  10. Kim says:

    I wasn’t sure when you said you were going to try them out…. But HOT DAMN! I FREAKING LOVE THEM! ❤️

  11. Deborah MacKenzie says:

    I think they are fabulous and add so much to the look of the kitchen.

  12. Brenda says:

    Love everything you do…love your house…but I think the white gets lost and they take away from your lights and doors….your lights and doors are such a statement without the columns…just my opinion🤷🏻‍♀️

  13. Nicki Jackson says:

    At first I questioned it but I see them up and I’m like Yes! They do fill the space but make it seem grander! If that makes sense. Love them!

  14. Lori Herrin says:

    I absolutely love the columns. When you spoke of it previously, I didn’t think I’d like it. But boy was I mistaken! They look perfect there and like they should have always been there. Great touch and not intrusive at all.

  15. Linda says:

    Love it…quick question, do you remember where you got the bunny that is on your island?

  16. Missy Duffy says:

    HECK TO THE YES!!! They look amazing and I hate using that word so much but it’s literally true here! I absolutely love the color and texture of them and the added layer of coziness! My friend has a humongous island the same size and I think it lacks something but their home is modern so it makes sense for them. I’m with you, these columns would look great with caps and bases. I’m sure you’ll find the perfect pieces and Deb will perfect them even more!

  17. Stephanie says:

    I remember when you first mentioned doing this I thought Noooooo! Your kitchen is gorgeous as it…BUT I absolutely LOVE them there! Your gut is right, it just adds so much to the kitchen. I wish I had those types of ideas like you do, I love everything about your old and new home!

  18. Anonymous says:

    Those columns perfectly “frame” your kitchen! Perfect by me.

  19. charles murphy says:

    Only cut the bottom and make or use a box using the same wood color you have going on already for contrast against counter and to bring
    awareness to their beauty

    use plaster prefabbed antique white ceiling medallions to place the column top in to

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