How to Make your own Linen Spray


How to Make your own Linen Spray

Did you know you can make your own linen spray?  I was looking online for some linen spray to buy.  And, of course, I wanted it to be CLEAN. Because if you are spraying something on your bedsheets, you want it not to contain poisons.  The kind I was looking at was pretty expensive and […]

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How to make a laminate headboard look like an antique

All Things Bedroom

How to make a Laminate Headboard look like an Antique

We are currently working on our bedroom. When we moved into the house mid-December, we basically just plopped down our bedroom furniture.  And called it a day.  Well, it’s time to get the ball rolling and get that room decorated and put together.  I bought a tufted headboard about a year ago.  I loved it […]

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DIY Soap dish, woods and whites decor


DIY Soap Dish

OK… I just think this is the cutest idea ever.  I saw someone else make this little soap dish over on Instagram and I had to try it out.  And, if you like quick little DIYs, you will love this, too.  I shared it on a reel during the blizzard last week, but I haven’t […]

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One-of-a-Kind Wooden Christmas Trees - Deb and Danelle


One-of-a-Kind Wooden Christmas Trees

  Deb made a few little wood Christmas trees last year. And, decided to make a few more this year for a giveaway we had.  This is a cute little project that is so simple and takes so little time. This year, she made them all a little different than the ones last year.  And […]

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Old Time Pottery Pumpkin DIY - Deb and Danelle


Old Time Pottery Pumpkin DIY

Did you see my reel over on Instagram?   I got this idea of making a pumpkin to look the same way as my yellow ware collection.  I have been collecting antique yellow ware bowls for YEARS…  probably since my early 20s actually.  The bowls have a patina that is unlike anything new today.  You know […]

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What to do with an antique architectural piece

Fall Decor

$5 Yard Sale Find

Remember when I shared my haul with you from the 127 Yard Sales?  We found so many great things.  I always say that I will share what I end up doing with the pieces, and since we aren’t in the house yet, a lot of items are being stored….  aka setting behind a piece of […]

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Tuesday's Treasure - CIY Coffee Table or Bench


Tuesday’s Treasure – DIY Coffee Table or Bench

As I stated last week, our Tuesday project has changed names.  Three times to be exact.  It was first Trashed Tuesday, then Transformation Tuesday, and now Tuesday’s Treasure… which is what it will be.  Basically, Deb hangs out in the workshop on Tuesdays and creates a great project.  She makes some of the coolest things […]

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Neutral Valentine's Day Sign - Deb and Danelle


Neutral Valentine’s Sign in the Kitchen

I wanted to throw together a neutral Valentine’s Day look in the kitchen here at the cottage.  I’m not a huge decorator for Valentine’s Day, but thought it would be cute for something different.  I used a lot of what I had for this look.  But, also made a neutral heart sign for the occasion […]

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