Metabolic Research Center


August Health Goal – Update to July

  Note:  I am not a doctor and I am not giving medical advice.  Please do your own research!   I pretty much had a mental breakdown in July and threw it all out there.  I was so discouraged in my weightloss / fitness journey that I was actually in tears when I wrote it.  […]

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July Health Goal – Major Realization

As you all know, we started a health journey in January.  We both had so many things we wanted to improve on but felt so overwhelmed by it all.  Where should we even start?  We decided that there is no rush on any of them.  Nothing was life threatening.  There were things we just knew […]

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Apple watch and Qalo ring - House on Winchester


June Health Goal – MOVE

  I started these monthly health goals back in January. When I was planning out my new year, I realized I did the same old thing every single year as far as “resolutions” go.  And every year, I failed them all.  Miserably!   This year, I had so many things I wanted to change as far […]

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Paleo Diet & Thrive Market


May Health Goal – Paleo Diet

OK… I know you are thinking to yourself…. “it’s almost June, old lady…. your are almost a month behind.”  BUT, I do have a little bit of an excuse.  We were in Mexico on May 1.  The first of every month, I have been giving you a monthly health goal and an update, but swimming […]

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Paleo Autoimmune Protocol Cookbook - House on Winchester


April Health Goal – Autoimmune Paleo Protocol / Paleo

It’s that time again.  It’s time for my monthly health goal update.  If you are new here, I made a commitment to set a new health goal once a month and report everything back to you.  You are my accountability partners. ???? Aren’t you excited about that?   If you missed them, here are the ones […]

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March Health Goals - House on Winchester


March Health Goal – Counting Calories, Macros, and Intermittent Fasting

It’s time for my monthly health goal update.  If you are just joining me today, rather than making 654 new years resolutions in January, and failing every single one of them miserably, I decided to tackle one every month.  I kicked off the month of January by giving up the nasty chemical filled coffee creamer.  […]

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February 2019 Health Goal - Working Out and Drinking all of the Water - House on Winchester


February 2019 Health Goal – Working Out and Drinking all of the Water

This post contains affiliate links, but is not sponsored.  Therefore, the only way I make money on posts like these are if you purchase through the links I provided.  Your support is greatly appreciated.   For those of you just joining in on the fun, I am setting monthly health goals since I can’t get […]

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January Health Goal - House on Winchester


January 2019 Health Goal – Eliminating Coffee Creamer

If you missed my post on how I’m setting goals differently in 2019, you may want to read that first.  In a nutshell, I am focusing on ONE thing and one thing only each month to change.  Because old ladies ???????? get set in their ways, it’s hard to change a million things at once.  Therefore, […]

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