Thanks for following along as we turn our custom-build house into a home through decorating with our antique furniture and vintage treasures, quick DIYs to add drama to our spaces, and our simple day-to-day living. We hope you find inspiration to help you love where you live.
"Winter is the time for comfort, for good food and warmth, for the touch of a friendly hand and for a talk beside the fire. It is the time for home."
-Edith Sitwell
We are currently working on our bedroom. When we moved into the house mid-December, we basically just plopped down our bedroom furniture. And called it a day. Well, it’s time to get the ball rolling and get that room decorated and put together. I bought a tufted headboard about a year ago. I loved it […]
Have you seen my home decor room that Deb got all set up for me? I realize not everyone has a huge empty storage room, as this is our first space like this. But, I highly recommend having all of your extra home decor in a specific space like a closet, a cabinet, etc. I […]
Well… the cottage projects are well underway. Deb made the comment a few days back that she is afraid we will run out of projects soon. ???? She has no clue what is going around in my head. There’s a lot. So far, we have gotten the floor installed, hung some faux brick paneling around the […]
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