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We are Moving Back into the Workshop. And Here is Why.

We are moving back into the workshop. I cannot believe I am typing those words. But we have a good reason. For around a month or so, we will be back into the woods and ivy cottage while our floor gets re-painted. Yes, it needs repainted again. And, here is why. We are Moving Back […]

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Home Tour

Our 2024 Year End Review

We have been in our home two full years now, so this year we spent a lot of our time and energy adding our style and small personal touches to every space in our new-build home. We also did a lot of travelling, spending time with family, grieving and changing family dynamics, thrifting, and enjoying […]

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Staircase Wall Molding Idea - Deb and Danelle

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Staircase Wall Molding

Our staircase wall molding project was starting this past spring. Deb made up her own design combining a few ideas that I had in mind and then I was supposed to paint it. Well, that never happened. Sooooooo, our painter stopped by to chat about our floors having to be re-painted, more on that later… […]

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Adding panels to our bathroom walls - Deb and Danelle

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Paneled Walls in the Bathroom

Well, here we are in the fall and winter months of 2024 and you know what that means – indoor projects!  We always have a running project list for our home and property. During the fall and winter months, Deb and I focus on all of the indoor projects that we want done and start […]

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Home Tour

Transformation Tuesday – An Old Door

We used to do Transformation Tuesday (previously Trashed Tuesday) pieces every single week.  And, I loved it. Deb was able to get into her workshop regularly to create a masterpiece out of what would have been thrown away. And, I was able to decorate with something she made. It was a win/win.  This series is […]

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All Things Bathroom

New Life for An Old Shelf

 I I really wanted to restyle our bathroom, and I had an old wooden shelf that I got at an estate sale just hanging out in my garage waiting for new life. Not only did I finally get it hung on the wall, but I also got it styled for the holiday season! I love […]

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Easy centerpiece idea for the holidays

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Easy 4 Item Table Centerpiece

An easy way to begin transitioning your home decor over to the next season’s style is to create a simple dining-room table centerpiece. The table is the focal point of the dining room and/or kitchen and can easily be transitioned without putting in a lot of effort. Today, I wanted to share with you how […]

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French Toleware Chandeliers

Home Tour

French Toleware Chandeliers

Do you remember when we switched out our lights in the kitchen?  We originally hung new lights that looked old, but decided that we wanted antique chandeliers like the rest of our home.  We removed two smaller chandeliers from our bedroom to hang in the kitchen which left nothing in the bedroom.  This was way […]

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